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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. If you're anything liked me after jag 1...
  2. If he was *always* the preferred candidate, why talk to Howe at all?
  3. On Sheerin - everyone has to start somewhere. Time will tell if he's the new Alex Ferguson, or the new Eddie May. But until he gets a chance to put the team together the way he likes and make his own impact, he'll have my support. No point pulling the guy down before he's had a chance to make his mark. Oh, and if it all goes pear shaped because the signings are dreadful, I won't be calling for Sheering to go. Holt will be my target in that case.
  4. Falkirk: Success is just failure that hasn't happened yet
  5. I put this down in large part to England having a roadmap out. People will put up with, and comply with, restrictions knowing there is an end date coming soon. In Scotland we've been in perpetual restriction territory and every slight and small easing has come with heavy warnings that at the click if NS's fingers we could be right back again. So many people - including me - have started ignoring some or all of these restrictions.
  6. Courtney Cox was my favourite at the time, and even watching back she was gorgeous. Now? The plastic surgeons have ruined her looks.
  7. So he confirmed he's standing against Keir Starmer at this by-election. He wants the Tories in to "put pressure" on Labour. Nobody hates Labour more than self-proclaimed socialists. He apparently still is one, even though he works night and day for the Tories. One last thought. I have almost no time for Corbyn, but even Corbyn knew not to let this guy back in Labour when he was in charge, despite Galloway's proclamations of love for OJC.
  8. I got one of the new C64's loaded with old games. Three problems with this. First, never go back - the graphics, gameplay and all that have moved on. Better to remember these games as cutting edge rather than going at them now. Second, the games that are there are a bit mediocre. No T2, Gryzor, Elite, Paperboy or anything like that. A few decent ones like Attack of the Mutant Camels. Thirdly, these games are really, really difficult. Anarchy for example is a timed puzzle game that is a right brainmelter. Add to that I no longer have the reflexes of a 10 year old. I love having a joystick again but my wrists can take maybe 20 minutes before getting tired.
  9. I had this (the T2 game was outstanding)
  10. Burnham is too lightweight. Fine being mayor of Manchester - hell, he can do some good there. Leader of the Labour Party is one of those jobs that has no upside. You'll be in opposition, hated by your own people, being drawn in to bizarre straw man arguments on things like Israel and BLM that will suck out all your energy. You'll never achieve anything except joining the ranks of failed leaders.
  11. Exactly this. Think, say, two years ahead. Countries in Europe and the US have had a mix of covid infecting plenty of people and a successful vaccine programme. The virus will be well in hand at that stage. In Australia, with almost no natural immunity and vaccine hesitancy, how will/can they reopen? Will they accept cases and deaths as a result?
  12. Mixed picture really. The deaths are a shame, but like before did these people die recently, or is this a delayed reporting? I get the feeling we'll never reach 0 in ICU. Every chance people contract it in hospital.
  13. This exactly. I still remember about 15 years ago with the flu, heading in to work. The wife had to drive me as I was so ill, sat shivering, did absolutely no work. None. My boss at the time was a monumental bellend and never accepted anything short of hospitalisation as a reason for being off. Just sat at my desk waiting to be picked up, and within a few days everyone else had it too. Even then, my step-daughter (on another occasion) was hospitalised. She caught a bacterial infection and ended up in the kids ward. My wife stayed the night with her whilst I was at home with the wee man who was just a couple of months old at the time. Next morning the wife and I had a plan. I would drop the wee man off at nursery and then go to hospital and sit for the day while my wife got some sleep, then at tea time I would pick the wee man up and head home, whilst she took over hospital duties. Good plan with just one snag - the bellend boss. When I phoned him to say what was happening he told me I could either come in to wok or consider resigning. To this day I am ashamed of myself for going into work. I couldn't afford to lose my job and, being young and foolish, didn't even consider HR. The wife stayed at hospital all day. He now runs a university in Australia and has written articles and received prizes for his commitment to....[drum roll]....work life balance! I know, I know. Evil bosses thread for this pish. Sorry for the detour.
  14. I reckon it'll be about Clackmannanshire. As it is such a small population the "per 100k" numbers fluctuate wildly. They've got an outbreak of ~75 cases in Tullibody that has meant their per 100k numbers went shooting up, past Glasgow. In Tullibody they've shut the schools. So...Clackmannanshire to Level 3, or the fact we're talking about small actual numbers having an effect?
  15. Does this mean REM are CIA agents also?
  16. Would be a mis-match. Yogi knows more about football management, and FFC, than Holt ever will.
  17. To be fair, that could well be the story whoever we get.
  18. That is a shocker. Everyone I know has been in and out in minutes.
  19. Might not be a popular opinion but I'd have him back tomorrow. Doubt he'd come though.
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