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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. My theory...for what it is worth... The Master/Mistress is Prisoner Zero from The Eleventh Hour. We know that the crack in the wall was a gateway to the Time Lords and the voice we heard said "Prisoner Zero has Escaped". Assuming Simm's Master was sucked in to Galifrey, he/she somehow must have escaped and got back. And I don't believe Clara is, well, Clara. If The Master can come through the crack somehow to live again, so can someone else. I reckon Clara has come from Galifrey as well. Just theories and these'll keep me warm till Saturday.
  2. That episode was ... oof...an anticlimax. I thought it built up well then shat it at the end. Danny Pink and his passive-aggressive controlling personality is not the best companion (or companion's boyfriend) we've ever had. Amazed he hasn't made Clara call him her "partner" like those other control freaks. Honestly, sometimes I think he's on the verge of domestic violence.
  3. No, in short. Legislation changes all the time, that doesn;t mean that your degree is any less valid to an employer. A degree is a sign that you have a fundamental understanding of the subject area and you can keep yourself up to date with developments
  4. Not at all. The only real change is if, say, an excellent lecturer left and a weaker one came in, but even then that'd just be a module or two, not a whole degree.
  5. Delighted with the latest news - @galactickeegan is alive and well
  6. Many thanks. Know who you mean now. She has a long tattoo down her torso, right?
  7. Queen Forever is out next month. Looks a bit like Greatest Hits 3 - reworkings of old songs. The big selling point is the Freddie Mercury / Michael Jackson duet that surfaced a few years ago being given some production.
  8. I'm in two minds. I loved The Division Bell and thinks it stands up alongside their other best albums. How can you not listen to High Hopes and get swept along? My downside to this album is that it's supposedly taken from The Division Bell sessions. Much like The Final Cut (ear pain) was taken from The Wall. Tracks not good enought to be on the first album. Hope I'm wrong. Hope this is as good as The Division Bell. The guitar on Coming Back to Life was amazing.
  9. You cannot post something like that without pics, man! Aren't there moderators for this type of slopiness?
  10. Damn near clicked on that (I'm at work, allegedly). I will check over the weekend and, if this is right, I'll owe you an apology. And expressed thanks.
  11. Season 1 started in January 2013; season 2 in January 2014. I'm guessing January.
  12. Thanks for the advice. She seems fine now, though I do have to repeat myself a bit with her. I'm still annoyed that she had so much pain that (I believe) could have been avoided.
  13. So...I found out today that Wedge Antilles.... Is actually this guy from New Tricks.....
  14. Well, she looked more like this in the show. Frumpy early 90s clothes...
  15. Taking the wife to the cinema on Friday. Probably see Gone Girl as I don;t fancy any other offerings.
  16. I loved this show as a young man. When Fleishman left in the later series and the new doctor came in, I lost interest. And as for you Maggie lovers out there, you're all forgetting Shelly.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iGGr1YXU-I
  18. I was giving a lecture this morning. I had a dream last night that it was the morning and only 20 minutes till the lecture started, and I wouldn't make it on time. I started panicking, sending emails and phoning the Uni to say I won't make it. I woke up and checked the time but couldn't really get back off because I was scared of sleeping in.
  19. Mehgan Goode is in the fappening. Megan Goode from The Blacklist is not. Still, wonderful show. Really enjoying it.
  20. Thoroughly enjoyed it. For me, the measure of how good an episode is how often my 9 year old son re-watches it. So far about 4 times. If an episode is naff he doesn't bother.
  21. Had the worst week last week with our 4 year old girl. At the weekend we knew she was coming dowm with something. Feverish, roasting hot, complaining of a sore ear. Genral grumpiness. She had an ear infection, we knew. On Monday we took her to the doctor. The doctor looked her over and said, yep, ear infection. But no antibiotics unless the ear is weeping or if the kid is under 2 years old. So we took her home with orders to dose her up on calpol and calprofen. Wednesday comes and my wife sees pus running freely from the ear. Back to the doctor and this guy says that it was a middle ear infection. The build up of pus burst her ear drum, causing the pus to leak (which it did for about 3 days). So now, on her left side, her hearing will be impaired for up to 8 weeks while the eardrum repairs itself. Can't help but to think if the first doc gave her antibiotics, she would have been spared not just the pain of the ear infection, but the burst drum, too.
  22. Megan Boone? Not seeing it myself. Just a bit too....mumsy for me.
  23. And another... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTB3o7v6R5s
  24. New season 3 trailer out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDXrHmwypO0
  25. Awesome return to form!
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