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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Depends on what courses the Uni counts as contributing to the classification. Usually this is 3rd and 4th year courses. Here, it's as simple as this: 70% + 1st class 60-69% 2:1 50-59% 2:2 40-49% 3rd class In the meetings however if a student is on the borderline (say, got 69.1%) then the lecturers discuss the student and if they feel it's right, they make the case for that student to be bumped up. This is why, in large part I say to all students on here - go to your lectures. Be engaged and talk to the lecturers. If you do that, and you make a good impression, they'll go to bat for you. If you do it all from home and don't go in, as many people on here have said they do, you won't get that. We had a student with 49.8% and nobody made the case for him to get a 2:2. He's getting a 3rd. That's because he didn't engage with the lecturers or the courses.
  2. This is a dreadful thing. My dad was a policeman for 30 years, and I remember in the 90s a woman went in to labour in the florist's shop on the high street. Dad was on hand and delivered the baby - which was stillborn. I've never known him to be so low and depressed. He was for months and months.
  3. Is it wrong of me to want Lester to get away with murder and framing his brother? I honestly thought that was the season finale on Sunday then saw it's back on next week. I like this.
  4. On moving from college to uni, the staff here have said that in their experience the incoming college students are in 2 groups. Half have a good work ethic and get on with it and often outperform the students who were here for years 1 and 2. The other half find reasons not to come in, for instance we have students who come from a Glasgow college and for many coming to Edinburgh for a lecture is deemed a waste of time. These folk find the transition hard.
  5. How do you know you narrowly missed out?
  6. I'm not even entertaining the notion of getting my hopes up. We'll get a rookie manager willing to work for peanuts in the hope that he'll turn out to be good, and relying on the fact that at least 2 teams will finish below us so we can't be relegated.
  7. scottsdad

    Modern Family

    DIdn't enjoy last night's so much.
  8. Quick question - was she in Holyoaks or Corrie or something before GoT? As for the ending...oof. Made me a little queasy in the way that only Hannibal and Bones have managed before. Anyway, it's just a flesh wound.
  9. My girl has a play doh obsession just now. She was asking for some yesterday, so the wife went on YouTube to find out how to make some home made. What she produced consisted of water, flour, salt, oil and food colouring. Trouble was it was a little more wet than the real stuff. It's gone everywhere - walls, carpets, sofas. Sticks to everything.
  10. I didn't know until after his hearing that he had done it on another course as well. I was bloody seething about it. Another student I supervised worked his arse off for the final 3 weeks, sending me drafts at 4 am,, working every waking hour to squeak through. What this guy did was take an earlier dissertation and go through it line by line, rewording it. This brought the "plagiarism checker" score down to an acceptable level. If I hadn;t checked against his sources he would have passed no problem.
  11. Britain's Got Talent. Jesus wept my wife forces me to watch this. Dance groups, unfunny comedians, singers not good enough for the X factor - last week Ant and Dec put through a comedian/impressionist doing an impersonation of Cilla Black on Blind Date. What's he got for the live shows? Larry Grayson?
  12. The boy I reported for plagiarism admitted it (and on another course, too). Needless to say he failed the courses and will not be graduating with honours this summer.
  13. Depends on the class size, too. I taught a class of 5 last semester and didn't need a sheet to know which students came every week and which didn't.
  14. OK some actual advice. Pack a bag of things for you both. And by things I mean boredom killers. You could be stuck in a room for many hours waiting with nothing at all happening. Bring books and puzzles and the like. From here on in you'll need to maintain a Ninja-style readiness for when it's go time. Both of my kids, the waters broke just after we went to bed. You cannot spend half an hour messing about looking for your socks. Be prepared. Take food with you, too. Energy drinks if you're in to them as you can get tired. Fresh fruit is best - apples and the like. The stuff they'll give you in hospital will depress you. Finally, make sure you have everything you need at home. Bottles, sterilisers, nappies, the lot. The last thing you'll want is to come home with the baby and think "damn, I need to go shopping".
  15. Yesterday some dental folk went round the school applying some varnish to the kids teeth. Scott was fine getting it done, but the wee one refused and screamed the place down. She told me later she was scared. Poor wee thing.
  16. I really hope Hibs come down. If that happens, the Championship will be the best league in Scotland.
  17. scottsdad

    Modern Family

    The Vegas episode reminded me of Frasier, the contrived stories and big finishes. It was excellent, the outstanding one of the series for me.
  18. Well, no. The non-attender could have gotten higher marks through better learning. The attender has done their best and tried their hardest.
  19. Quite possibly. But is the non-attender had attended, he or she would probably get a higher grade. Impressions really do count.
  20. The lecture point is interesting. I became a lecturer in August and started teaching in September. My experience of lecturing to classes at that point was zero. However, the Uni have put me through a course on ways to enhance learning through teaching. Talking off notes for an hour is simply wrong and would bore students and lecturers alike. I recommend attendance. You learn more by hearing and reading information than just one or the other. Also, in exam boards (which we are having now) if it's marginal on a grade - let's say someone averages 69% but needs 70% for a First - then the student who attended will get it and the student who didn't won't. It's a demonstration of effort.
  21. So the big question (for me) from the finale... Is Red her dad, or did Red save her from the fire while her dad died?
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