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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Was at school with a boy called Kris. WTF? Spell it right. And any parent that names their kid Clare, Lynn or Lyndsey is forcing their child in to a lifetime of spelling their name out to people.
  2. Capaldi excellent as always. I can see the US audience turning off though. Posh boy band Matt Smith replaced by vicious looking Scot Capaldi isn't going to play well with the hard of thinking. This series has picked up after a VERY shaky start. And you can see they're preparing for Christmas when Clara gets written out. I'd like to see Capaldi on his own for a bit, as Tennant was.
  3. I quite enjoyed in on Saturday. Capaldi really does get the alien aspect of The Doctor. Some folk are a bit sad I reckon because it's no longer boyband stuff but who cares? Also whistling a few bars from Another Brick in the Wall - superb.
  4. Hope it's better than the last season. Wolowitz is basically Chandler Bing - a good character who turned in to furniture when he got married. Amy and Bernadette don't help the show all that much. It's lost a lot.
  5. Saw an advert the other day for season 2 and started getting excited!
  6. My inlaws were up yesterday and they have already voted No by postal ballot. And I can tell you, they are terrified of Scottish independence. Absolutely terrified. The papers and Project fear have worked on them. They were asking questions like "What will you do when the food runs out?" Well done Blair MacDougall. If you went in to this campaign to scare old folk, grand job. Knob. The Better Together campaign has to go down in history as one of the worst campaigns ever run. Relentlessly negative from the start, offering nothing positive to say about the union, blunder after blunder and of course the fact they're 20 years behind in how to campaign. They believe in the power of the newspapers and the BBC, but even with almost all the mainstream media behind it the polls are saying its 50/50. The head of this campaign, Mr MacDougall, has run a campaign before. In 2010, David Miliband's Labour leadership bid. You know, the one where he was a shoo-in but somehow threw it away at the very end. I dislike Better Together. I hate their attitude, their arrogance, their goal of fearmongering. But having seen my in-laws yesterday I reached a new loathing. Having activists tell pensioners that their pensions will be stopped on September 19th, for instance. Or Gordon Brown telling people on the organ waiting lists that they'll be cut off from English blood and organ donations (lies! F*****g lies!!) simply to terrify them. These things all fact checked can be refuted, but for many vulnerable people the fear sticks. And this bugs me immensely. I know, I know, plenty of Better Together Are Shitebags threads for this.
  7. I have to say I really have enjoyed the non-Hoffman episodes. This week is some sort of finale for the season then we're done till next year.
  8. Looking forward to this week's one. The trailer looked excellent.
  9. My son watches this thing called Sanjay and Craig. It's just bizarre. Tongue Tacos.
  10. Well that was quite an episode. Old John Schnabel - the way they were playing the sad music all the time and showing his early life made me sure he was dead. But at the end, nothing came up to say if he'd died of cancer.
  11. See they've edited out a beheading scene for this week's episode.
  12. The story was lazy. Innerspace crap. Aside from that the episode was really good.
  13. Yeah, earlier reports that he was off the show seem to be wrong. Disappointing to say the least. More Tony Beets, less Todd Hoffman please.
  14. http://deadline.com/2014/07/gold-rushs-dakota-fred-to-stake-new-mining-claim-in-doc-all-that-glitters-799797/
  15. Was he the guy that walked off the site for a week to shag his bird in a motel, when they were all standing round waiting for him to fix something?
  16. My neighbours are nice enough people but since they moved in last year the amount of dog shit has rapidly risen. There's a path behind our houses to a park - now covered in it. Not only that but there is one of those red bins for it right there (ironically, on the No Dogs Allowed sign). Woke up this morning to find a couple of presents on my front grass. Minks.
  17. Thousand ounces. The Hoffman's target for last season, where they got investors, raised massive sums, hired an army of guys and came away 200 short. Parker managed it on much, much less. Not only that, this season Parker got more than the Hoffmans in total over 4 seasons. How class was Tony Beets' wife. Volunteering the poor bloke for an 18 hour shift in the freezing cold. Really looking forward to more Tony next season. Full episode on parker was actually not bad. Might have been nice in the early part of the season to have a full one in each of the places.
  18. Well that was a mixed bag. Like someone had a fantastic idea - a dinosaur in Victorian London - but then they were screwed when they couldn't decide what to do with it. Capaldi was tremendous.
  19. Thing is, last season Hoffman got just over 800 ounces. To get that he had two wash plants, a trommel and an army of men and loads of equipment. This season Parker beat that with 2 washplants and about 4 guys and a couple of old diggers. Hoffman really is an eejit. I wouldn't accept a lift off him as he'd end up crashing the car at 200 mph in to a central reservation. The new season starts in the US this week. Gutted that we're 6 months behind.
  20. Call the new kid Marmaduke. On toilet training, my kids could not have been more different. The boy took months and months of gradual weaning on to the potty, and had loads of accidents along the way. My girl simply refused to use the potty, full stop. Eventually one day she woke up and we told her there were no nappies left. She cried for 10 minutes and then used the potty. Hardly ever had an accident with her. In fact, she's a bloody camel. I've known her to go till 8 pm before her first pish of the day (whilst matching her brother drink for drink) My son stayed at my mums a feww weeks back. Mum told me that on the way there he was complaining of a sore stomach. When they got to her house, he went to the toilet for 45 minutes. When he left, mum said she had to open all the downstairs windows and bleach the bowl. She described his post-flush leavings as "a dead rat". I was so proud.
  21. I liked last week's one where Parker had pretty much finished. "What the f**k you fucking want, Parker? You gotta fucking dig the fucking ground. I see fucking gold I can pick with my fucking fingers." Or words to that effect.
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