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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. We were concerned about our youngest as well. When she started nursery in August her speech picked up rapidly over the next few months. I wouldn't worry about him just yet. He's only 2 and a half and will get there.
  2. Apparently I just say her name, but it's enough. The amount I'm getting has dropped off a little because of this.
  3. A woman. Thing is, I've never been attracted to this girl. And yet I wake up once a week to the dagger eyes having apparently said her name over and over in my sleep.
  4. I keep saying the name of a former work colleague when sleeping, and the wife is raging. Again.
  5. I can understand that. But there was this Welsh woman on yesterday (TP) who was screaming, dancing, jumping about when she got a question right, and got hardly any correct. Even easy ones.
  6. That was excellent. Just as I was saying to the wife "is this husband thing going anywhere?" Magic. Why, though, would he refuse the "offer"?
  7. Where do ITV get the contestants for Tipping Point and The Chase? Jeezo. Thick as ****
  8. OK, so on Saturday morning I went in for my vasectomy. In terms of what happened and so on, I think it would be right for me just to be straight and honest. Arrived at the hospital on tine (8.30 on Saturday morning). The nurse told my wife I'd be 45 mins to an hour, so the wife went shopping and left me to it. Got changed in to a gown and then a nurse took me to a room to ask me some basic questions (have you eaten today, have you had diarrhea in the last week, have you ever had scrotum surgery, etc.). Then back to the waiting room for a while before being taken in. In the room was a bed I hopped up on. The doctor, Mr Taylor, went over a few things (it's irreversible, you may experience bruising or swelling, it may get infected, etc.). Then I lay back and it started. One nurse covered me in iodine (stomach, legs, twig and berries - all over). Two nurses stayed at the top end to talk to me while the doctor and other nurse went to work. Mr Taylor strated on the right. He felt around for the tubes and injected the anaesthetic. Like the dentist, this was the worst bit - a wee scratch. I felt a little tugging in the groin as he worked, but the two nurses did a good job of keeping my mind off it. At one stage I looked down and saw him putting in the stitches. Then he moved to the other side and same again, the sore jab. This time, though, it was sore when he started work so I needed a top up of the anaesthetic. Squirming in my seat now thinking about that. It was the worst bit. All in all, took about 10 minutes each side. Then they cleaned me up, put a swab over the bawbag and left me for 10 minutes. A nurse brought me a cup of coffee and I sat waiting. Then the nurse checked my wounds and I got dressed and could leave. All in all 1 hour 10 minutes, of which 20 were spent having it done. I felt absolutely fine afterwards. Left the hospital with my wife and we even did a little shopping. About 2 hours later the aching started and I took some ibuprofen. For the rest of the weekend, and even now, I was a little slow to move. It was sorest when I bent down or bent back. I got a letter home with me and have to produce a "sample" in 12 weeks. The letter states, in black and white, "you should have intercourse as often as possible to expel any remaining sperm". I showed my wife this letter, and tonight will frame it above the bed. Sunday morning the wife woke me up to see if things were functioning. Then came the most pathetic excuse for sex ever. It was painful to thrust or move, and I had to set the really slow pace. Like mice having sex I suppose, and I was genuinely worried about finishing. I needn't have been though. Plumbing works fine. Once the sore nuts subsides business as normal will resume. So all in all, the procedure was fine, most of saturday was fine. Sunday was like this:
  9. Would have been happpier if bawbags on twitter hadn't mentioned it
  10. Best of luck with that. With my son, his pregnancy was a catalogue of scares for us. We lived 10 minutes from the hospital and were in and out just about every week. Luckily all went well and he's now nearly 9 and nearly as big as his mum. You'll get through this and be fine.
  11. I spotted that too. But the answers these guys gave, jeezo.
  12. It's really in the back of my mind now that on Saturday morning, some guy will be rummaging about in my sack pulling out al the cabling.
  13. Had my appointment changed. 8.30 am, Saturday 29th March, Forth Valley Hispital. The snip.
  14. Excellent. Went to a very dark place, this one.
  15. A schoolfriend of mine became president at Strathclyde back in '98 or '99. In the long run made not a blind bit of difference. He is still a bell.
  16. This little baby will set you back £8. Just stick it up and the students will think there's CCTV on them.
  17. Love this show. I watch Gold Divers, too (oddest crush I have on Emily....). Gold Rush is the best though. "Todd, we're leaving you in charge of the plant. Run it at 50% as it's fragile." "Sure Dave......Right, let's run this thing at 100%" ... ... "Aww frick, what just snapped?"
  18. Waiting on channel 5 bringing it back...
  19. It reminded me of an episode of Criminal Minds. Hope it gets back to normal soon.
  20. So, after all that the final straw was learning that she had a hairy muff?
  21. I watched Revenge of the Egghead and it was diabolical. Poor rip-off of The Chase, but with the thickest Egghead CJ in it. When someone gets a question wrong he does this camp, dramatic eye-roll and sigh that makes me want to slap him silly.
  22. The neighbour's kids woke me at 7.40 this morning playing Hide and Seek.
  23. We got new neighbours move in just before Christmas. A couple with 3 young kids, makes a change from the old woman who died in the house. Anyway, they also have 3 dogs which they never walk. The guy takes them out the back and smokes while they run over their little rectangle of grass, which is now covered in shite. The couple work, and last week when I was off ill, I noticed that the 3 dogs bark constantly when they're out, from about 9.30 to 2. Back at work now so it isn;t bothering me, but when I was ill and needed rest, it was driving me bananas. I just feel sorry for the dogs. Cooped up in a house full of toddlers. We have a huge field behind the houses where other neighbours take their dogs.
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