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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I don't see how. Thompson's writing badly deteriorated through the 80s due to heavy drug use and he ended up blowing his own brains out. Makes my point perfectly well.
  2. So if someone believes that not only should marijuana remain illegal but harsher sentences be imposed on users, he's a troll? I thought we practiced free speech in this country.
  3. What the poll fails to address is the need for proper punishment of these offenders - dealers and buyers. Two sides of the same problematic coin. when was the last person sent to prison for posession? Probably need to carry a sackful around with you to get properly done. One joint should equal thirty days. And maybe have some kind of drug offenders register so that future employers know if they have a proper citizen or potential dope fiend.
  4. Really?? Comparing ecstacy consumption with coffee?? How much have you been smoking?
  5. Did anyone else get a craving afterwards to shave off all their body hair?
  6. I'm enjoying it. Back on C5 for season 2.
  7. That's baws. Ecstacy is dangerous. Long term effects include memory problems, depression, anxiety, liver, kidney and heart problems, suppressed immune system, sleep depravation...and that is no even discussing short term effects.
  8. How would it? You just create a generation of more people on marijuana who might wish to take things further with other drugs.
  9. No way should it be legalised. Absolutely not. There are no health, financial or social benefits to its legalisation. Other than some folks who smoke it ilklegally hoping to rid their conscience of the fact they're committing a crime and supporting an illegal drug industry, nobody wants it. Yes, weed heads, think of that. You might only be buying marijuana, but your seller is selling more and you're keeping him in business.
  10. It isn't great at the moment off the pitch. Fan numbers dwindling too. But I still don't think we can as the board to fund a do-or-die push for promotion next year.
  11. It's as simple as this. Dave King should fail the SFA tests allowing him to become owner/chairman/whatever of Rangers due to his recent convictions in SA and his past involvement with the liquidated club. a) will the SFA block him and face the wrath of the Rangers fans who don;t see King as a man but rather as a walking chequebook? b) if the SFA pass him, they should rip up the rules on club ownership and declare open season on all clubs.
  12. Amazon have pulled the cosume I was planning for Halloween. Not chuffed.
  13. Not denying that, it's just gotten tring to watch
  14. Sorry guys, but Claire Danes doing the crazy blinky eyes and talking too fast again has worn out the carpet for me.
  15. I managed ten minutes of episode 2 and realised I wasn't enjoying the show. It shouldn't seem like hard work to watch a good show, and this was. I have now given up on it. Brody's daughter needs written out pronto, too, if it's to survive. I can't watch any more. Season 1 was great, season 2 was ropey and I'm just not feeling it any more.
  16. Going for Gold? Here's hoping for a Henry Kelly cameo
  17. Jeez, I can't imagine giving a lecture like that, never mind sitting through one. Why not skip home for the weekend and go out with the people in your halls?
  18. Let's be honest, the papers want this to happen because they want to splash "The King of Ibrox" across front and back pages. Probably with mock up crown and septre, too.
  19. Really enjoyed the pilot and looking forward to more. They crammed a lot in to 45 minutes. And also, Spader looks like Hunter S. Thompson in it.
  20. Doctor Who weekend on Watch. Alll the old David Tennant ones and some from the old crap series, too.
  21. Paint the Cave, Tempus Canvas. Youtube them - new American band
  22. Surely the elephant in the room is this: At the current rate of losses, will Rangers survive until the end of the season, financially?
  23. This is my first week of teaching - became a lecturer last month. The students are 4th years and seem switched on. AT least, the ones that turned up.
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