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Darvel legend

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Posts posted by Darvel legend

  1. I just don’t know why we can’t be the Friday night or the weekend game , we have did our Monday night shift so surely we were due a weekend game 😡

    im hearing not only the beeb who will be in dressing room the prime minister and wee sturgeon want to Listen in and learn how to motivate the country 

  2. 17 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    More than happy with it. Was a scream. Like a Stone Island version of Any Given Sunday.

    Bill shankly

    matt busby

    jock stein

    Walter smith

    mick Kennedy 

    all top managers and a few of them Got knighted , no sure mick will be but must be due an award off the king for this for his services to wosfl for this result and putting us on the map all over the world 

  3. Talbot boys no happy wae a team talk , I’ve heard it all now , guys u no got a west of Scotland cup tie to look forward to soon ? 
    keeps ur season going 🤷‍♂️


    put us out the junior cup to allow us to concentrate on the senior cup , thanks for that u have done us a massive favour and we really aprreciate the effort you put in that day to knock us out 


  4. Fwiw the team talk was fantastic and he has had plenty of them no just for the cameras  , players respond to him and the proof is in results , If the players didn’t buy into it two things would happen , we wouldn’t win games and they wouldn’t be there , only issue is who does his fucking hair 🤭😂😂

  5. Wow what a performance from the team last night , we were immense all over the park and deserved that victory , our performance didn’t surprise me theirs did but I couldn’t care less about Aberdeen we are in last 16 of Scottish cup with a chance of getting into last 8 but as daft as it sounds Falkirk will Be harder tie than last night as we will be expected to win 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Rugbyroader said:

    Darvel Legend how are Darvel set up? From comments on here they appear to have previously produced accounts or financial statements. The manager mentioned accounts being produced at a year end like any other business. 

    As answered previously , no one owns the club and for all the years I was involved never saw a set of accounts , I was told there was an agm very recently but who was at it I’ve no idea , I’ve got my concerns as well because it’s no rocket science that gall has spent a fortune , if these are loans to the club it’s worrying , if it’s sponsorship he has to be applauded 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Rugbyroader said:

    I can’t fathom out what you are trying to say here.

    Petershill game there was 300 

    game before nowhere near it but was announced as over 300

    the new general manager must have got excited that game 

    as I said I hope we can add to it because of this game but I’ve got my doubts 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mkennedy said:

    Andy I go on the number the club gives me after games, in honesty why would I lie. As I have said the crowd against Petershill was over 300, it was the same the home game before I think Jim actually questioned the number when it was posted. 

    There was petershill game the game before the g m must have been getting carried away mate anyway f**k all we can do about it , it is what it is I just hope we can add to it after this tie 


  9. Just now, andy25 said:

    So Petershill brought 150 fans? There lucky if they bring 10 to Auchinleck. 


    No obviously with this tie in mind Andy  there were more than usual there , peasies did have ten with them but I went to Cumnock tow Fridays ago and there weren’t 25 from darvel there so I’m no slagging another teams support 

  10. 1 minute ago, Mkennedy said:

    We played Petershill a couple of weeks back, the crowd was just over 300, that obviously varies but we are about 100-150 fans. As I said. If that it matters I appreciate anyone who comes particularly in these times 

    And that’s got to be the aim Out of this tie mick , that we can add 100-150 every second week ,u know the reason why I think it won’t happen 


  11. Rugbyroader  is right there was never any chance of 4000 at the game on a Monday night live on tv , when draw was made I would have thought the club would have made 80-100k and now with gall spending as much for no return I would imagine they will be lucky to clear 20k which is pitiful,problem being there wouldn’t be a meeting and then decide what to do he would just do it and that’s the biggest problem doon the brae 


    what he has done so far has to be applauded up to this point , what he has done here is a complete waste of money 

    I’m down  there most Saturdays and If it’s a poorly supported team we play there is not 200 in , again im No making this up this is fact 

    but gall apart I wish mick and the boys all the best tomorrow and u just never know if we score first goal what will happen ,

    I don’t expect to win but u just never know in this game 

  12. Gall has to be applauded for what he has done re facilities over the last few years the park , lights dressing rooms , home terracing , boundaries etc but what I can’t get is all this money spent to have a one off game ,


    the work that has been done to try and get 4000 in is all good and well when imo I don’t think there was any chance of 4000 in however the question id ask is will it ever be used again and will it be value for money ? 
     certainly if darvel stay in same league it won’t be needed 

    if they win the league and go to the good old L L certainly won’t be used

    league 2 it won’t be used

    league 1 it won’t be used 

    championship it won’t be used 


    so unless we get lucky in cup runs I just don’t get it I really don’t 

    i think the only thing the wee park needed was away turnstiles and an away enclosure & then it would have been one of the best set ups in west of Scotland 


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