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Darvel legend

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Posts posted by Darvel legend

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mkennedy said:

    The club didn’t aim for a certain capacity in terms of the works, a decision was made to carry out works to increase the overall capacity of the ground as it was clear early on the 2250 wasn’t sufficient.

    The final number of 4000 was agreed by the council based on the their calculation method, as you know there has been sufficient sums of money spent to improve the ground it won’y be required on a week to week basis but it improves the infrastructure of the ground long term.

    I’m not sure how that decision pisses of both sets of fans


    Mate it’s 10 days before the game , I’d imagine Aberdeen fans would want to run buses but they have no idea how many tickets they are getting so how can u do that ? how can that be fair ?
    IMO 2250 was more than sufficient for a game live on telly on a Monday night , I’d agree with u if it Was a weekend game 100% there could and would  have been more than 2250 wanting to see game but it’s no 



  2. 10 days to go to arguably biggest game in clubs history and Aberdeen have cancelled ticket sales Due to them and police no being happy with certain things.

    firstly let me say the president done the right thing by trying to keep the game at darvel ,

    everything since then has been farcical , trying to do work at this time of the year to get capacity to 4000 was sheer folly as there was never any chance of 4000 at the game on a Monday night with game live on telly Or any chance that the works  done would be used ever again so why spend thousands ! 

    We have let’s be kind here 200 who go to home games on a good day so u might get 750 neutrals being nosey 

    sheep would have brought around 1000 maybe so capacity was fine the way the ground was with game being live on telly 

    all he’s done here is piss both sets of fans off

  3. I have it from a good source that the ticket prices are £18 and £10 , if that’s the case that’s probably fair for a game like this and thankfully the rumoured prices which I was told last week they have not gone through with it .

    I can only hope that guys or lassies who haven’t seen the team for donkeys years go down enjoy the evening and if even 50-100 of them start going to home games every 2nd week that would make a huge difference to the club 

    they need to make hay while the sun shines with regards to this tie 

  4. If what I’m hearing is correct and it’s £22 for adults and £16 concessions it’s just another shambolic decision from the club but You have the choice u either pay it or don’t .

    what’s also very strange is the game is just over 2 weeks away and there has Been no confirmation of the prices or indeed what the capacity has to be .


    all they have done is advertise saying if u join the lottery for 2 months it guarantees a ticket for the game so if I’ve done my maths correct that’s £42 to watch a junior team ! I’ve also heard that the capacity has been increased which means basically everyone who wanted a ticket for the game would have got one anyway so no need for this attempt to attract lottery members and one which will be sure to backfire on them .


    let’s no be kidded here the sheep Brought 1200 to rugby park during a holiday period so they ain’t bringing 1200 to darvel on a Monday night with game live on tv and no rail links to the town .

    I’m also sure  at let’s say £15 and £10 per  ticket many neutrals would have said let’s go to this and see if an upset will happen but im No so sure they will at the prices I’ve been told with game Live on telly.

    this was a chance to attract new fans to the club but as per it looks from here as if they are just trying to fleece people for as much as they can 






  5. 1 hour ago, PG & Dak said:

    ⚽️🎙 FINAL EPISODE 🎙⚽




    WE ARE LIVE!!!




    This week in the West of Scotland Football League




    Darvel & Drumchapel, do us proud in the big Scottish Cup! Talbot and Pollok put up a great fight but can't quite see off full-time Championship competition.




    We also cover all this weeks' league action




    In what could be our final episode, we would like to thank each and every one of you for listening and watching us over the last 2 years. It's meant the world to us, thank you!







    Sorry you guys are finished , it’s great to listen to two guys with great knowledge of not only the top division but all other leagues in the wos set up , I can only say thanks for the last 2 years 

  6. 5D3A480B-A99F-4704-AFE7-E99553B87549.thumb.jpeg.84a5dae706754f4771e5f3ed4785f329.jpegWhat chance u got when president saying these things , even although the junior cup Is diluted now most people in darvel given the choice of what trophy they wanted to win would all choose the Scottish junior cup , he doesn’t realise what that cup means to people like us and people who are no longer here 

  7. 9 hours ago, fb4 said:

    Let's put the rumours to bed DL

    Im sure pollok will be interested in mick as potential manager but it won’t be easy to get him in  , im no bad at selling at something but took me 6 months to get him to say yes to come to darvel ! 
    they are a massive club with huge following with top players but who knows how it will pan out 

     as for going out two cups before Xmas it’s no great but Talbot away and Stirling uni away were games I expected them to win but no a huge surprise they went out 

  8. Wasn’t great yesterday but 3 points is all that matters and these are games that win leagues when ur no playing that well and winning , u could see we had better players but every ball into our box spells danger at the moment and i just have the feeling the back 4 dont have confidence in the keeper and it needs to be sorted soon with the fixtures coming up but I’m sure mick knows that , one other point official attendance 364 , im no sure what it was and I wish I’d counted but wasn’t one over 200 and I’ve watched football down there for 50 years ! 

  9. 20 minutes ago, allyg1977 said:

    Oh what happened tonight oh don't tell us u rested a few players the ref was shocking or the weather was against us come on Darvel legend hit it for us or did Largs just beat u fair and square and u ain't going to win this league has easy has u lot think

    Can’t comment ally I wasn’t there 

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