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Posts posted by carpetmonster

  1. Mdou Moctar at Thalia Hall tomorrow night. Was quite happy just going by myself but it turns out my downstairs neighbor’s going too so I’ll chum an Uber down with him and save getting the bus. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    Can you fucking imagine sitting across from Ann Widdecombe eating dinner.

    Never has there been a woman so totally devoid of self-awareness.

    Perhaps on ad-Hoc basis, or with a pre packed sandwich or ready meal of some kind, but not in a situation where it’s been booked and you know the kitchen won’t bother assessing who’s been a p***k to them and will just pre-load all the food with variant bodily fluids. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    I'm a bit curious to know which seats the pollsters think REFUK are likely to win, or if this is just fantasyland extrapolation.

    Obviously Farage, but even 30p Lee was expected to lose his seat with a bit to spare until recently.

    Edit: please tell me Ann Widdicombe isn't standing again this time.

    No, but she’ll be on the campaign trail and you can have dinner with her in Stourbridge for 50 quid.


  4. 1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

    As opposed to just texting you as she does now?

    It’d be preferable. Someone - I suspect my niece - has shown her how to get emojis on WhatsApp and now her screeds are barely readable between hearts and cartoon babies and smiley faces. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:


    What’s sad, yet not surprising, is that he rarely talks about policy, just his persecution, windmills and sharks.  You’d imagine there must be some potential Republican voters out the who actually want to know what he’ll do if he wi s a second term.

    I think you’re giving him too little credit and he could be proposing policy via a series of cryptic clues, like Ted Rogers on 3-2-1. 

    In that scenario, if we’re looking at windmills and sharks, then a place famous for windmills is Holland. They’re also famous for Ruud Gullit, which if you mispronounce, sounds like ‘gullet’. Now you wouldn’t want to shove a shark down your gullet unless you’re in Iceland, where they eat that pickled stuff. Iceland is famous for geysers, and also Bjork, who’s in turn famous for lamping a paparazzo. Given Trump’s antipathy towards the press, I think what he could be saying policy wise is ‘Joe Biden’s an old geezer. Give me the gig and I’ll negotiate Bjork in a cage match with Anderson Cooper’ - which also makes sense when he’s close to Dana White and turns up at a load of UFC events. 

    That’s a much more compelling proposition to me than decarbonizing the power sector, banning assault rifles or maintaining public education, TBQHWY. 

  6. There’s a weird California bylaw that if a boozer is within x hundred yards of a school, they can’t sell spirits, just beer and wine. Not sure how many 14YO whisky connoisseurs there are in Santa Ana but it’s probably saved me from a brutal day today. 

    (Although probably ‘things you learned yesterday’ thread for this pish) 

  7. 1 minute ago, Comrie said:

    Six beers deep, the confidence is high now

    Half of me wants to get kicked off just now but it’s only 10am and the only beer I have in the hotel fridge is this, at 8%, so I can’t see the wife being very happy about it 



  8. 3 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    If one was to consider drinking beer, whisky, rum and wine (white) would the order make any difference to circumstances tomorrow?

    I’m in the same boat; timezones mean it’s a 12 noon kickoff here so if we pull this off then that’s a lot of remaining hours in the day for things to go badly pear shaped. 

  9. Just now, Alert Mongoose said:

    If one was to consider drinking beer, whisky, run and wine would the order make any difference to cicumstances tomorrow.

    I’d go for the run after a couple of whiskies but before the beer. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    What's a pub omelette?

    There’s an Irish boozer near me that if you catch the sign out of the corner of your eye it looks like ‘pube’ more so than ‘pub’. I’m sure they could do you an omelette. 



  11. 1 hour ago, Need2Speak2Caesar said:

    Absolutely buzzing... Have £20 on a Scotland win at 8-1.

    Go on Scotland we can do this. Good luck boys.

    8/1 just for the result, regardless of scoreline? Holy f**k. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

    'A wee bit fashy'...actual far-right, successors of Fascists, taking the highest vote shares in many places and being on the rise.

    So you want to jump out of one union 'cause the Tooarries and the Red Toaarries' and jump into a political union with groups listed above who now hold influence in the EU Parliament and their own national bodies? Its maybe not the best look to be plugging full union with the EU in the same week these election results came through.

    You also realise that you don't have to be 'in' the EU to trade with them...Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway manage just fine via EFTA.


    I get all of that - but when Stephen Flynn is on the telly saying immigration is essential then I’m not sure how Kieth going ‘eh well, we’ll f**k them off somewhere that isn’t Rwanda and we certainly don’t want any more of the fuckers’ paints Labour in any sort of good light. 

    Do bear in mind that I posed the question to you specifically to see the gymnastics you could attempt to think you could do, but ultimately brush to one side to go AYE BUT WELL AYE BUT KIETHS GOOD AND ANAS IS GOOD AND JACKIE BAILLIE

    I do notice you didn’t jump out in defence of Akehurst so I do know you do have a sense of shame. Honestly man, listen to it. It’ll be OK. Most people are nice. I’m sure you’re nice. Stop trying to gaslight me. I’m really old and fucking bored. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    ..and the relevance of your reply to a far-right surge across Europe is..?

    The EU was primarily about trade. Brexit has been a fucking disaster in that respect. Kieth doesn’t have the cojones to say it’s been a fucking disaster. But now that Europe might be getting a wee bit fashy, it’s very wise of Kieth not to say Brexit’s been a fucking disaster because we don’t want to be getting into bed with the fashies. Apart from Luke Akehurst, natch. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    So the actual far-right making significant gains in all of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary, and this is the same EU which so many folk are desperate to rejoin?

    These far-right groups aren't just your average 'Tory' types, they are genuine successors to Fascists of the past 

    Of course we need a better overall relationship with Europe, but these election results make an EFTA route much more palatable, rather than trying to jump back in with the current direction of political travel of the EU's main players.

    Honest question mate - are you Emu and now that Rod Hull’s dead you desperately want the worst version of the Labour Party in history to be elbow deep in your arse? 

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