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Ulises de la Cruz

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Everything posted by Ulises de la Cruz

  1. Sweeney taking a note out of the book of defending from Hanlon and McGinn
  2. Can you believe that we offered Dundee Alex Harris and they gave us Boyle.
  3. 'The gorgeous pouting fragrant Tam McManus' Did I hear that right?
  4. Anyone else struggling to find keepers at lower league level? Playing as Airdrie after starting unemployed and can't find anyone decent, couldn't even resign Max Currie due to the wage budget and he took a huff and left, now he's at Preston. Signed some jobber as an emergency backup and looks like he's going to be my first choice
  5. The only good thing if Lennon was to come back would be the potential return of the .gifs/smileys.
  6. How is Lennon even being mentioned? He made a complete arse of his time at Celtic and also was making an arse of his time here in his final few months. I'd take McInnes out of those 3 mentioned in that EEN article.
  7. Garbrandt with the proverbial glass jaw. Looks like he is never going to be the same guy that dominated Cruz, who himself had a good comeback earlier vs Munhoz.
  8. How many times has Shaughnessey scored a goal against us in the final minutes of the game?
  9. Assuming Porteous is injured the only centre back we have is McGregor and we have no right back unless Cadden is back. Some laugh this will be. 2-0 St Mirren
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