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Ulises de la Cruz

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Everything posted by Ulises de la Cruz

  1. Apparently the only team we’ve beaten in the league since August has been St Johnstone.
  2. Jack Ross to start with the exact same lineup for the third game running, changing it to four at the back in the 60th minute then we will create numerous chances and fail to score any of them.
  3. From that replay, Porteous pulls his leg away and Kent goes looking for it. Shouldn’t be sticking his leg out in the first place though.
  4. Nisbet squandering about 4 chances has cost us big time. Macey also being shite when he’s had nothing to do all game doesn’t help either.
  5. What a performance. Probably our best defensive display all season. Ryan Porteous what a guy, top level shithousery.
  6. Came in looking like this (should’ve seen the other cat)
  7. Sorry to hear that, I've had cats my whole life and its never easy when you have to say goodbye.
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