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Ulises de la Cruz

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Everything posted by Ulises de la Cruz

  1. Seeing Stevenson playing right back is giving me flashbacks to the Calderwood/Fenlon era.
  2. Lucky to be drawing at half-time. We just having been good enough. Trying to pass it out from the back just not working. I’d be getting Gogic off for Allan, no idea why he isn’t starting unless he isn’t fully fit.
  3. Having Gogic playing is the same as playing with 10 men
  4. So bad at defending crosses. Teams just need to stick the ball into the box and we’ll just not defend it.
  5. The last 25 mins was an absolute shitshow. From looking like we might score another after the equaliser to then going down to 10 men and losing two shocking goals in quick succession. Bringing on Gogic because we have no other centre backs just shows how bad we’re lacking in depth. Desperately need at least 2 more defenders in unless Ross is hoping for Cadden to be Mcginn’s back up.
  6. Piss poor defending. Just can’t defend crosses.
  7. Ahh should’ve won that game. Squandered way too many chances.
  8. Stevenson hitting the post with his first shot in maybe 4 years.
  9. Good result and great having the fans back. The limbs after the second goal were sorely missed.
  10. They’ve seemed to have started defending like us
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