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Everything posted by Crùbag

  1. Hope Sevco get shredded by Celtic. Wouldn't pay for an ad about it though.
  2. And they all had 8 Yes badges on too.
  3. Don't know but there's a delivery of blue plastic seats and square metres of turf coming in soon.
  4. Is Bill McMurdo not the right-wing Brit Nat who used to masquerade as Gaelic kids' loon Donnie Dotaman?
  5. What a mess. Thought we were all 'Better Together'. After Old Rangers' antics in Manchester it seems as if the Yoonyanists from Govan are more anti-English than anyone else.
  6. BritNats in London laughing at The Rangers.... :lol: Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/cfbddcce-9c12-11e4-a6b6-00144feabdc0.html Stick to the fitba, ya bunch o bigots.
  7. Interesting. The Rangers fans now professing themselves to be Scottish. And the Scottish govt should step in to nationalise the 'national treasure' that is Ibrokes? Also, wishing to be independent of these 'nasty capitalists' who don't care for history or community? If The Rangers fans are now embracing Scottish socialism then does that make them the most left-wing fans in the country?
  8. It is a bit. Personally, I don't think Sevco can have it both ways. Old club is gone in the business sense - and along with it the debt - but long live the Old Club and aw those trophies... It's good for a laugh but why print ads in the press about it?
  9. Tax the French here. Partner is Blame Children. Kids are Anger Europe and bizarrely Anger Happiness.
  10. According to my 'permutation' on the Ukip policy maker, the French should be taxed:
  11. Sounds stupid of Livi if true. Meanwhile, The Rangers limp from loan to loan, depending on loans and handouts from a whole raft of dodgy, self-interested businessmen.
  12. Sad but true. Haven't heard anti-black stuff for ages though pals have on occasion. Did hear two fat fcks in their 50s shout anti-Irish stuff at Doyle and other Hibees at a Tynie derby last year though. These people are scum whatever team they support.
  13. Er... from Hibs Net (and I did say some Hibees)... http://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?296739-Racist-**** Btw - Hibee pals of mine hate these bozos. They don't defend them or make excuses. But there does seem to be this nasty racist element in the Hibs support. Guess I'm sensitive as us Jambos are meant to be the 'diet ****'. Racist **** I was at the Derby yesterday and was absolutely appalled at the racist comments coming from behind me (I was block L row 27) by a group of young guys in the very back row. Directed at Gomis and Bauben, their bile was frequently punctuated with references to the Ebola crisis, calling them black c@##s, n@#$##s and similar racist schit. I realise that free speech is one of our most important freedoms but it honestly made me ashamed these idiots follow my club.
  14. No surprise there. Heard that Gomis and Buaben and even their own Malonga were getting the racist treatment from some at the derby. 2015 FFS!
  15. A superb gif. No wonder the chief Spiv at Ibrokes thinks Scottish fitba 'doesnae like us'.
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