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Everything posted by Crùbag

  1. Seems like you're the stupid cnut. Voting for a gay nazi like Coburn whose latest campaign is to 'ban Trumpton Ukip' from the web. Seriously, you actually voted for this?
  2. Latest dumbass statement from Ukip... immigrant traffic jams. Brought about by gay flooding on the roads maybe? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-30370570
  3. Ukip report 'fake Trumpton-Ukip' account!! Some quality tweets down the page. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/12/03/calm-down-david-its-only-satire_n_6264398.html?1417641640
  4. No wonder The Rangers are a financial catastrophe... again...
  5. Wee Livi just been penalised by the SFA yet the Rangers/ The Rangers saga rolls on. Is this the model for Scots fitba? A club that died and was ressurected as Sevco is surviving on monthly handouts from an English billionaire. Just someone put this zombie out of its misery.
  6. Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig! A' bhuaidh le Alba a-nochd.
  7. Might not need another ref. Labour beg SNP for a coalition. SNP get their devo-max - Ed gets to play PM - a win, win for us as he makes a fool of himself and even most no-voters finally realise that being ruled by one cheek, then another of the London arse is a loser's game. Polls show support for UDI. We do it. Conjecture, aye, but very possible.
  8. Polls looking good. Almost seems as if the fear-inspired no vote was a catalyst?
  9. Agree. I don't think most of those who sing it use the 'f-word' anymore. But even 'Hibee blood' needs to be left to history - it's just knuckledragging boolshoight and anyone older than a teenager who still sings it is a sad sad person.
  10. Good stuff Hearts. A progressive step forward with the Living Wage. Next step is to get rid of the few eejits who fling flares and still sing offensive songs.
  11. What a midden of a club. Why do Rangers many fans allows themselves to be rogered again and again by a whole succession of dodgy businessmen? Surely, in terms of numbers, The Rangers must be well placed for a fan buyout? If SevcoRangers limp on like this with loan after loan and then scrape into the Premiership it'll be a travesty. So much for the SFA acting on all the past madness of several clubs including my own.
  12. Quite an explicit posting. Surely Ally is too Presbyterian for all this smut?
  13. Maybe! At this point in the year, Hibs are usually hopeful of a 'top six finish'. By the New Year they're in a relegation dogfight. This year seems no different, bar the lower league.
  14. A no vote means more of this nonsense. The nightmare of no that we're living already. So much for respecting our war dead? Nazi salutes? Nice stuff eh? Send this lot the way of the dinosaurs.
  15. True. If the auld industrial hinterlands, pit villages and schemes come out, we've made it.
  16. Good news from Mori who've always had Yes really low. Interesting bit is that Yes is up 7 and No down 7. What a swing. Go for it!
  17. Aye, got to keep hitting the streets and talking to folk - sticking up posters and the like - BT has virtually no presence on the streets or around the schemes. Sep 18 is the only poll that counts.
  18. Remember the times when Ukip were too emabarrasing for the 'nice' Unionist parties in BT? Here's David Coburn rubbing shoulders with FDanny Alexander yesterday at a BT stall. Also we hear that Cameron is making plans to share power with Ukip in the event of a hung parliament. See them Yes votes stacking up.
  19. I don't think that's how YouGov describe them. The latest I saw there were described as 'undecided'. Not only that but those undecideds seem to be 2-1 leaning towards yes. Headlines like this may push them firmly into our side.
  20. Fair enough. I'm still a bit pessimistic myself but to have previously 'unionist' pollsters now showing a Yes advantage is good PR as many, unfortunately, will go with the flow and think 'well if most are voting yes as are many of my pals then I will to'. You're right though, we need to keep our feet on the ground, in all senses. Gonna head to my local Yes stall today and give a hand.
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