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Everything posted by Crùbag

  1. Or your horses will get beasted by gay donkeys and gay weather will flood Ally's garden.
  2. Sorry to disappoint the 'Falkirk' fans here but I sincerely hope that Celtic run up a cricket score against the Great Satan from Castle Greyskull. Hope they lose in the SPL like.
  3. Nothing about Scots or gay donkeys in there?
  4. Pompous bullshit. Probably even worse than Celtic's ad in the paper... And they actually give Phil MacGiollaBhain some credit... even though the percentage of the Celtic support that actually read his partisan drivel is neglible.
  5. :lol: Who is more fckd? Sevco or Labour? Who's the most orange, from that vid?
  6. For every skinny youngster Hearts play, The Rangers will pile ten pounds onto Kris Boyd.
  7. What a shambles. Getting a loan from a rich spiv to pay back a previous loan from the same spiv? Rotten. Does the SFA really think this is 'fit and proper'? Seems like Sevco could be kept afloat for years by getting a loan to pay back the previous loans from the same guy. Does it matter if Ashley owns Sevco on paper or not?
  8. Do all Ukippers have English as a second language?
  9. At faux Irish and faux English folk from the west of Scotland?
  10. SFA keek their breeks shock. Can they delay payday though or is another loan on the offing?
  11. Hope Sevco get shredded by Celtic. Wouldn't pay for an ad about it though.
  12. And they all had 8 Yes badges on too.
  13. Don't know but there's a delivery of blue plastic seats and square metres of turf coming in soon.
  14. Is Bill McMurdo not the right-wing Brit Nat who used to masquerade as Gaelic kids' loon Donnie Dotaman?
  15. What a mess. Thought we were all 'Better Together'. After Old Rangers' antics in Manchester it seems as if the Yoonyanists from Govan are more anti-English than anyone else.
  16. BritNats in London laughing at The Rangers.... :lol: Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/cfbddcce-9c12-11e4-a6b6-00144feabdc0.html Stick to the fitba, ya bunch o bigots.
  17. Interesting. The Rangers fans now professing themselves to be Scottish. And the Scottish govt should step in to nationalise the 'national treasure' that is Ibrokes? Also, wishing to be independent of these 'nasty capitalists' who don't care for history or community? If The Rangers fans are now embracing Scottish socialism then does that make them the most left-wing fans in the country?
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