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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. I think a wee huddle is needed saturday and a bit of a strategy needs put into place. If we just show up and play as individuals we'll loose needless goals. Based on some of the play monday night I have said strategy. If we put this into play and STICK TO IT we will get through.
  2. Quite possibly as 6K fits nicely round the loch, whereas 10K meant that folk were getting round for the part of the second lap before the way was cleared properly and the finish line set up?
  3. Well, seeing as you are insisting, yes.
  4. Oh wait Synex posted that - this calls for a few more : :ass :ass B)
  5. Managed to grab a couple of hours back from work this afternoon and done my Strathclyde Park 3 laps run (11.1 miles by my calculations). Easily beat my best time today. OK, compared to some of the times posted on here it's pretty poor, but I was happy. 1hr:41mins:45secs. was very chuffed. Was trying so hard I almost puked with a few hundred metres to go. Think I'll do it again saturday morning. Amazing how a good bit of progress spurs you on. Its amazing what a difference the temperature makes. Fairly cool today, when its as hot as it has been for the past couple of weeks, I totally die a death after about 20/25 minutes.
  6. Possibly a cheaper option than the rubber tiles/astrotruf are the big bales of bark you can buy from any garden centre, although the tiles are a good idea, but for even 18m square (which aint really that big) £359 is quite steep.
  7. Despite the defeat for the team I was in tonight I quite enjoyed that - good conditions/temperature. Yon random oriental guy that joined in wasnt too bad. I think he held off a wee bit on tackles 'cos he didnt know us, but he certainly helped improve the game 5 against 4 would have been poor. What time are we on next week?
  8. Gents, I'm afraid I'll be unable to make it this evening. Count me out. Apologies.
  9. Looking like a good day for it tomorrow - in fact its looking like a good week. Warm and sunny tomorrow with little of no wind. Think I'll get out earlyish (about 9) before it gets too warm down to strathclyde park for a three lap session. Yay. good weather!
  10. Nothing to do with a football injury. That just happens when we are all talking about you.
  11. It actually doesnt hurt, tbh. Just looks mingin'.
  12. Me too. Check out the nick of the inside of my left thigh after blocking a drive from Gav from aout two feet away. Those of a nervous disposition look away (I mean 'cos of the leg, not the bruise ) Ouchy!
  13. Enjoyed that again tonight - apart from the last 5/10 mins or so when the bibs let in a few, it was pretty evenly matched with even teams (both in numbers and ability). What time are we up next week. Oh, and note to self - It was Gav playing tonight and not Kulli - took me about 10 minutes to work that one out. D'oh.
  14. Don't worry about it Coddy, I reckon at least 14 of them were wind assisted.
  15. we were running about like headless chickens and whoever wasnt hanging around the opposition goal was beemed to be 'back'
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