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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Was one of them Sam? I know what you mean though. My neighbours 16/17 year old daughter always has her loud annoying neddish friends hanging (their front door is about 10 feet from mine)about being an all round pain in the erse. No damage or incidents as yet, but just a matter of time. the sooner they are old enough to go to pubs the better
  2. On a similar 'no shit sherlock' theme, I've noticed recently that Radio Clyde's weather report is just that. A report on what the weather is like at that specific moment. I KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING WEATHER IS LIKE RIGHT NOW YOU STUPID CVNT5. IM SITTING IN THE CAR LOOKING AT IT. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE LATER AND TOMORROW. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK THAT YOU JUST COPY IT FROM THE TV. YOU USELESS FUCKTARDS. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
  3. And back the same day? I fecking hate that. Had to do it two weeks in a row over the last few weeks, although it was only once each week. By the time you get back up the road you are knackered and pretty messed up for the rest of the week.
  4. Ill daughter over christmas. Poor wee soul sitting there like a burst ball coughing and spluttering where normally at christmas she's be doing laps round the room in a wall of death style. Recovery now begining thankfully.
  5. Fecking roadworks not completed on time. They were meant to be lifted this week off the M80 at Denny and they are frigging not. grrrrrr.
  6. No drinkies or late nights involved there. Sounds like I often feel on a sunday after a few beers at the footie or if ive been staying up too late and getting up early in the morning. Maybe it's a fitness thing as well?
  7. Training? To work your checkout? Why would they need training? You expect customers to work the checkout themselves yet hate them when they have problems, but you need trained? How odd! Goodnight!
  8. That's still a checkout operator. I would not consider the folk at my local tesco who 'supervise' the self serve from the normal checkout operators.
  9. Have to say, the customer was right here. He was offered a deal and the checkout operator failed to put it through in the same transaction, knowing full well that the offer was made. Bunch of con merchants. It's a disgrace he had to argue.
  10. So what do you do then? I'm sure looking after your customers/paymasters aint above you.
  11. Whilst I put my trolley away, due to leaving it lying around causing obstruction, I can't really blame folk for not putting them away. That's what checkout and trolley monkeys are paid for. At a restuarant, do you take your plate back? No, 'cos that's someone's job to do it for you. Customer service and all that. Next time you see a trolley lying unattended, be a dear and put it away. It's your job afetr all. Seriously.
  12. And another thing........... (I can feel a rant starting, so I'll keep it short!) Has anyone else notice old folk at cash machines stand right behind you, I dont mean the customary 5 feet or so space you give someone, but 6 inches behind you and a wee bit to the side. Nosey auld b*****ds.
  13. Similarly old wummin at supermarket checkouts (which I have covered in earlier rants). I just hope I never get that inconsiderate when I'm old(er)
  14. Taking the car somewhere close because of walking home in the dark may be risky is fair enough but parking in bays reserved for those with special needs is a real bug bear of mine. There's loads of other parking 'anti-socials' such as parking across driveways, double parking or just plain old obstrusctive parking. They dont go to the bother and expense of marking these out and puting signs up as a way of providing an easy ride for lazy/selfish folk. Most folks cars cost more than £6K I'd say, that does not mean they can dump them anywhere. What a shocking attitude.
  15. He's not talking about the badge he's talking about the use of a disabled space by someone who is fit to walk an extra 20 yards, which is pretty contemptable.
  16. That is INFURIATING and sadly very common. It's as if your disturbing their day by actually asking them to do the job they are paid for. I had an incident once where I was in an early learning centre with my two kids who were at the time just toddlers and being as difficult as ever (as per standard toddlers!) I get to the checkout and nedette is on the phone chatting to her friend while I stand there trying to control the kids who are desperate to get their new toys. Eventually I leaned over the counter and pressed the button on the phone that hung up her call. The look on her face was priceless. She started to kick off about it but got a right mouthful for her trouble. There was by now a queue behind me and the place was in silence with one very sheepish looking schemie girl behind the checkout. Stupid Cow. Deep joy.
  17. It wasnt on the roadworks north of Kilmarnock was it about 18 months ago. That's where I got my 3 points. That said, I was over the speed limit and changing limits over a stretch of road is no excuse.
  18. Where's your place of work, Coddy? Mon' the east end!!!!! GC. P.S. can I have my brick back please.
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