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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Really enjoyed that tonight. Good close game. Did you say it was at 8 next week, Dave/Moobs
  2. You must be getting fitter thats the earliest tackle yet.......
  3. It was my shin - takes more skill, y'see. Was a good game indeed and there was tonnes of running about - I'm stiff as hell this morning. I have a game again tonight - I'm gonna suffer!
  4. So how many defos do we have? From the thread so far I see Yours truly, WAAD, David W Shaky Dave258 I take it by Kyles BUMP he and his cousins will be in.
  5. It could have been worse - At least you left it in an envelope instead of her pillow or bedding.
  6. Aye, I took a few of smacks off the ball tonight, including one from my own teammate in goal kicking it out and scudding me with it (if I didnt know any better it was a QP-Clyde thing ). Was fairly even until after the ball went out the park, when I said 'pretty even game tonight' to Dave258 and lo and behold after that it was one way traffic. I'll keep my mouth shut in future. I think it finished 8 in it to the bibs.
  7. Liqour Barn, Cottage Bar - Holy crap - you guys really like living life on the edge. I'm Shettleston born (well actually Duke St born, but close enough) and raised and wouldnt go there! Also about 50 meters along from the liqour barn (going east) there is a double doorway onto shettleston road with a sign above it saying 'The barn' - always wondered what that was but was always to scared to ask the neanderthals hanging about the doorway.
  8. There will certainly be no banging young man! Och the thought of it! BTW, its here: http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=25...p=newsearch.srf
  9. Is it worth starting a weekly thread for keeping track of who is showing up or should we just keep this one going? *Still chuckling at the shot that got punted into the next park and stoated one of their players on the side of the head.
  10. The only poor challenge of the evening if I remember correctly. Shame on Shaky!!
  11. Ah, that helps in putting faces to P&B names......... you still going on about that? Edit : daft typo
  12. You will love me like the ginger brother you never wanted by the end of the game. I know a few in there too.
  13. Maybe worth PM'ing those who were interested.
  14. If it helps, 'cos I got a half decent sleep last night, it means I wont sleep well tonight, be knackered the next day, sleep OK the next night, and so the cycle goes on.
  15. I managed to sleep all the way through from about 1 'till 6:30 last night, which is a long time for me. Hope that is some consolation to you. Insomniacs of the world unite. Edit : Spelling.
  16. I see what you did there That is pretty much the epitome of using cards and deals on line to your advantage.
  17. Err, yes you do, if you have any kind of self control. Credit cards shouldonly be used for on-line transactions to give you some insurance. But surely one would expect such behaviour from the type of foul gluttonous orcs that give such establishments their patronage.
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