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Harry Haddock

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Everything posted by Harry Haddock

  1. With the signing of Parry I think we should be happy to get £10000 for Mitchell.
  2. Why would his statement and vision for the Club cause outrage? He is a lifelong Clyde fan who in the past has attempted to improve communication between Club and the wider community.He was also instrumental in bringing Danny Lennon to the Club. Give the guy a chance...time will tell.
  3. Regardless of what happens in the second half things have now gone too far. We have a recruitment team which is taking a load of flack yet we are told Danny Lennon has the final say when it comes to signings etc.Obviously this is not working and the signing strategy is a disaster.If it is down to Lennon then he needs to go and take Diamond and co with him.Lennon’s signings have been abysmal with the exception of Mitchell-I believe MCStay,Lang and Grant arrived due the influence of others. Time for change from top to bottom.
  4. Watching this I am getting more and more frustrated that Danny Lennon thinks Jones is a better option than Love or Cunningham.I think the DL love affair is over.
  5. Haufdaft that is a very good question.I know a number of their members post on this Board maybe they can answer.
  6. It is my understanding that The Glasgow Branch sought representation on the Board ,their request being denied. Worth pointing out all but one Board member ARE Clyde supporters.
  7. Very quiet on the Club’s site today.Not even the usual DL gibberish after a defeat. Itis a pity the Owner’s Q&A has been taken down.I cannot be alone in wondering if DL really does have the final say on signings.The money spent on 5 of these duds could have attracted 2 players with the Cali record required in this league. Something pending perhaps?
  8. Time for Danny Lennon to take a good hard look at himself.What does he think Jones gives us and how on earth does moving Goodwillie out on the wing make any sense?
  9. Anybody from East Kilbride want to explain why their stream of tonights match isn't working and advise how we get our money back?
  10. Look at the table we can win this group. Tade incoming.Looks a stone lighter since the Raith game.
  11. Some of the above is just ridiculous.Yes we were caught cold with first goal and it was never a penalty for the second goal. Against a strong,full time,Kilmarnock team we were by no means disgraced.
  12. If we are offering 2 year deals then surely Mitchell is next?
  13. Why would we be playing him if we couldn’t afford to sign him?
  14. He also said he had no interest in becoming involved in any other football club when his time with Clyde came to an end. He was also behind the initiative to incorporate Cumbernauld into Clyde’s name.Something those who were so vehement about EK Clyde seem to forget. Not a fan of his I am afraid.
  15. Lacking in loyalty.After Clyde paid for his knee surgery he opted to up sticks and move on.
  16. When I see the signing activity in our league I am becoming more and more despondent about next season.
  17. Like the sound of the Cromarty Bakery.Will be delighted to give Greg’s a miss. Surely somebody knows where to get the biscuit and americano in the same place.
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