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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 34 minutes ago, the snudge said:

    I was one of those who wouldn't return until he was binned. I've not. 3 years of season tickets in a row (not the most prolific I know) when prices are up with a young family to support. 

    It's time for a young enthusiastic manager who's looking to get experience. With this squad and the right gaffer we COULD do something next season. Stagnation under this board and gaffer will see us relegated. 

    Someone like Peter Leven. He's relatively local and I think he's away from Russia. 


    I would have liked someone like Scott Agnew, who has been learning, unfortunately Stranraer got there.

    Need to bin Farrell first mind you 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Farrell is a fucking clown who should be out on his arse this evening but lets not allow him and his team of shitebags to detract from what was a successful 150th anniversary in terms of the work put in from our volunteers off the park.

    @O'Kelly Isley III and his compadres done a superb job with the 150th anniversary stuff and @Jan Vojáček & Chris continue to put in the hours doing commentary on the stream for those of us who can’t always attend. Fair play troops, it’s appreciated. 

    Totally agree

  3. The optimism of our 150th year, all the hard work put in by the 150th committee folk, merchandise, strips, functions, good crowds home & away, all binned by a tinpot managerial operation on the park, laughable postponements & a hopeless Boardroom off the park.

    SACK FARRELL please 

  4. 59 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    The ref was poor, and he let actually let a lot fouls go unpunished.  But regarding Orsi, his involvement in the game was weird for me, he looked disinterested from the start and the couple of occasions he had the ball at his feet he just seemed to run directly into trouble.  

    Now that might sound harsh, but that wasn't the committed, high-energy KO we've enjoyed watching for most of this season, and it seemed to symbolise our team performance on the night.  Why, I wonder ?


    Maybe just maybe..

    Dressing room

    "this is how we are setting up lads, same as usual"

    Player(s) "but gaffer Annan had us worked out here last month, we were lucky to only ship 3 goals"

    "Just get on wi it"

    Disillusioned team trudge onto pitch 


  5. 39 minutes ago, FifeSons said:

    The key point is that the board clearly won't want to sack him.; either because they're too gutless to have a difficult conversation or because they're genuinely taken in by Farrell's schtick. I'm not sure what it would take to change that, other than a really poor start to next season.

    If our Board have anything about them at all Farrell should be given his jotters after this Saturday's match.

    This clown will take us into the Lowland League, aided by our inept Board.



  6. 6 minutes ago, sonsism said:


    Well this aged like milk.  I expect we’ll get another one of these where it’s all about the process, we’re building for the future and promotion isn’t a given.  

    This was a complete repeat of last season.  Assemble a decent squad on paper, start with some positive results, then slowly decline over the season until it all collapses in the play-offs.  What’s the constant between those two seasons I wonder? 

    Two campaigns where he has failed multiple times in each.  He fucked 8th or above in League 1, then proceeded to embarrass us in the playoffs resulting in relegation.  He fucked the league, then proceeded to embarrass us in the playoffs even more than the last time.

    The contract extension was absolutely ludicrous.  As has been said, no one was going to come in for him, there was a lot of football still to play, and despite good results there was always a sense that they wouldn’t last due to lacklustre performances.

    We had over a month to prepare for the play-offs.  That result is inexcusable.  

    I didn’t renew my season ticket last season, and I won’t be coming back this year unless the board listens to the fans or Farrell falls on his sword.  Neither of these things are going to happen.  We’ll get the same song and dance we got from Farrell and the board last season.  “People who know me know I’m not a quitter” “We’re as disappointed as you are” etc etc.  We are most likely stuck with this loser until 2025.

    To quote Farrell - “Now let’s go and strive for more of those good times, and give 150 years of the club the ending to the season that it deserves.”

    We certainly got what we deserved.

    Farrell gave himself away in the post match interview last night "we set up like we have all season"

    Well Stevie, the rest of the League had us worked out by Christmas & you couldn't even learn from the whipping Annan gave us in April.


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