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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. The young lad Brooks could be a good signing for you.

    I remember him playing for a local youth side here in Dumbarton & him scoring something crazy like 100+ goals in a season, both old firm arsecheeks were after him & he opted for Celtic as his family felt they had the better youth set up at the time.

    Interesting to see if he can make the step up from B team/Lowland level.

    Hopefully he does well at ICT, good luck to him.





  2. Tried to pre-order our new home shirt & DumbartonDirect site just shows a blank page for Glasgow City fc.

    Even the link from our DFC website brings up the same


    Edit - the link from DFC facebook seems to work correctly.



  3. 2 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    I was a regular in it for many, many years and it was a great boozer.  Those were the days of Big Iain Macdonald and whilst he could be a moody bugger he ran a very decent shop.

    It's still a reasonable pub, and if someone was to take it on, tart it up a bit and plan a business model based around a three-day weekend then it could have a future for locals and the visiting hordes *.

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    * Over-excited Clyde fans excepted


    I hear big Iain's in the scrap metal trade these days 

    But, yes there's no reason why it couldn't be a decent local, small, live music venue on Fri/Sat nights, live football on tv Sundays & close Mon-Thurs.


  4. 1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    Yep, apparently it closes on the 22nd of this month.  I'm not sure either if it will be re-opening.

    The woman running the place had been ill I heard, and struggled to get bar staff, but it had also been closed on quiet midweek days too.

    Changed days indeed 



  5. 8 minutes ago, shawfield shed boy said:

    Thanks for feedback guys on Lynch...

    Coming to terms slowly that were L2 team now and this is our budget..

    See you all in the stags🍺👍

    Have heard that Stags Head is closing later this month, not sure if it'll be changing hands but it's definitely rumoured to be closing.


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