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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 20 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    The Trust made a representation to the club re the revised website and to their credit I was invited to a review meeting with the web developers on 10th May.  Unfortunately I was unable to attend but I submitted a two-page critique based on feedback from regular users with a recommendation of another club's site as an example of what supporters would expect.

    I assume the meeting went ahead but I don't know any more than that.

    According to DFC, the website is a hit with fans, lol

    The website designers are going to be on the back of our jerseys next season. 




  2. 1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    I honestly think that's at the wilder end of the spectrum, but rather than you, me or anyone else posting stuff on here I think it would benefit DFC if they announced much more detail of what is obviously a pretty significant arrangement extending over five years.

    For example, what assurance is there that we won't be repeating the cancellation disasters of this season ?  Is there some sort of joint commitment to an artificial pitch ?  Will DFC U-17 and U-18 players continue their development at Broomhill ?  

    There's a lot of aspects and some concerns to this, and the club telling us more would be helpful.


    44 minutes ago, PWL said:

    Afraid my cynical nature tends more towards @Silverton End

    For the life of me I cannot see why a tiny LL team with a support numbered in the dozens would pay to leave Glasgow to rent a League ground that has a reputation (deserved) for having probably the worst pitch in the professional leagues.

    Surely there are cheaper Astros available from WoSL sides closer to their geographic 'home' at a much cheaper rate. 

    At best, we've grabbed at an offer of cold hard cash coming in for 5 years without much thought. I find that doubtful though.

    Too much just doesn't add up. And the radio silence you mention doesn't exactly help either. 

    I just think that nothing is out of the question, regarding our dodgy owner.

    Would be great if this ground share brought us a 4g surface to play on & the chance to earn from hiring it out to the wider community, helping secure our future but.....Mr A Hosie probably doesn't.


  3. 39 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    Another thing I had a wee check of today whilst pondering this god awful ground share - it's for 5 years which will take us to 2028. Andy Hosie was banned in 2016, for 12 years, so he can be a director again in 2028. This may be purely coincidence but the earlier posts by PWL and others may well be on the money and something else is going on here. 

    Better believe it, there is more to this ground share than meets the eye.

    *A wild take would be...we go tits up in the next 5 years with Broomhill FC as tenants, they are able to inherit our carcass, re-brand as Broomhill DFC, sell the land & bugger off?

    *(I have no idea of the legalities or even the possibility of that scenario)

    Would us going tits up render the "Golden Share" useless?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    When I checked the website the other day it said something about it being 20 quid and including christmas parties etc. Unless that was last years prices/early bird prices.

    That’s piss poor the things supposed to be included didn’t happen tbh. I’m sure we also promised the Vale of Leven a game to celebrate both clubs anniversary years and didn’t bother our arse organising anything with them, despite their efforts. Thank christ we had the volunteers organising the other stuff.

    A match with The Vale would have been great, might have attracted a decent crowd too.

    I'd have liked it played on Millburn too instead of our field.



  5. 33 minutes ago, Frank Quitely said:

    It's actually much simpler than that.  Having experienced a previous non-payment of sponsorship by the Andy Hosie-owned Bet Butler company a number of years ago, a situation eventually resolved by his late father clearing the amount due, the DFC Board decided to prove that lightning can strike twice by entering a second agreement with another of his zombie outfits. 

    Go on, guess the outcome.  

    Yeah, I'm well aware, the fact that DFC allowed it to happen again is staggering.

    Due dilligence seems to be an alien concept

    Wouldn't bet against the Club making it a hat-trick & seeing A.H Laundry Services on our jerseys next season lol


  6. 20 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

    And £35k sponsorship money that wasn't paid would have covered the income from Rangers B, with a little bit left over.

    That sponsorship deal still defies belief, did DFC do any homework at all?

    Thinking that cowboy builders with virtually no assets, who should probably be appearing on Rogue Traders would stump up £35k.


  7. 29 minutes ago, meadowroadsaint said:

    Hopefully Bonner is gone..... Doddering eejit forgets players names, indeed , gets Teams wrong while getting paid for being shite and disrespectful to all teams bar Ra Sellic commentating but never for his beloved Celtic. Him and Yogi are the first two dinosaurs that should be punted.

    P.S. Rangers scored shree.......

    I'll take Hughes over Bonner any day 

    Imagine Bonner & Hughes co-commentating, together on the radio :1eye


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