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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. He’s hardly played the last two years due to injuries. Good luck to him, though.
  2. Got tomorrow night’s lotto numbers?
  3. I was walking along the street earlier when I slipped on dog shit. A minute later, a guy did the exact same. I said to him, “I just did that!”. So he punched me in the face and called me a dirty b*****d.
  4. When did Dusseldorf sign Rangers’ top scorer?
  5. Just phoned my local B&Q and asked how big the queue is. “Same size as the B” was the response.
  6. Is it not Bahrain that will be using a different layout? Basically looks like an oval track.
  7. Suzuka, Singapore and Baku all cancelled. Think we will be having mostly European races this year, can’t see them going to Mexico or Brazil either.
  8. Had a painter and decorator doing some work at the weekend, turns out he’s a furloughed airline pilot. He made a great job of the landing.
  9. 95% of my office are currently working from home, yet we are still getting asking to do our monthly catch up with the TL to discuss how things are going. What are they expecting just now?
  10. I use Asda’s own brand which are the best, compared to the stuff I got from the doctor last year - felt like I’d taken a right hook from Anthony Joshua half an hour after taking them!!
  11. Just opened a birthday card and loads of rice fell out. It was from my Uncle Ben.
  12. Good to have something set in stone, find it a bit strange that for the races in Austria and Silverstone they need two, three day weekends. Surely they don’t need any practice during the second weekend and can go straight into qualifying mode?
  13. Silverstone confirmed two races in August.
  14. Took me five seasons with Williams to finally win the drivers title and also the constructors too. Annoying in those five years, George Russell never scored one point as my team mate. I move to Renault and in the third race in Shanghai, I win and he is second
  15. I also read someone on twitter saying that if you do claim a refund for any show, you won’t get the money until after the rescheduled show happens which will be next year? TicketWanker taking the piss as per.
  16. Lost the fight, guys. got over the itchy stage but ended up looking like a beast with a handful of ginger pubes glued to his face, so the razor was out last night and now back to being clean shaven. Nothing ventured I suppose...
  17. Certainly didn’t go the way I expected when I posted the other night, thanks guys
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