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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. 37 years old and for my entire adult life I’ve kept my hair tidy and been clean shaven. Of course with all barber shops being closed and not wanting to take a pair of clippers to myself, my hair is starting to look like a bit of a mess. So I had an idea to go the whole hog and stop shaving too, to hopefully take the focus off the mess on top. How do guys with beards do it? I’m only 11 days in and it feels like every ten minutes I want to reach for my razor and put an end to this itchy nightmare. Will it eventually stop?!
  2. When was the last time Ferrari didn’t have a world champion driving for them? Suppose 2007 as Kimi technically wasn’t champion then. Before then, 1995?!
  3. Looks like Sainz to Ferrari and Ricciardo to McLaren. Danny and Lando would be brilliant as team mates
  4. Even though he has denied it, the talk of Lewis going to Maranello won’t go away. Straight swap?
  5. Red Bull would be a no-go anyway, as he wouldn’t want to be in the same team as Verstappen, exact same situation as he was with Leclerc.
  6. Vettel to leave Ferrari at the end of the year
  7. Two races in Austria then two at Silverstone, all back to back and no fans to start the season? Not what we wanted but definitely looking forward to seeing some racing!
  8. Never really understood the draft so attempting to watch the first round rerun on Sky Sports just now, kinda going over my head. Don’t understand how the players are sitting in their living rooms not knowing who is going to pick them, the suddenly they are wearing the team’s cap
  9. This thread is a welcome return
  10. Drinking at home instead of the pub isn’t good, almost asked my wife for her phone number!!
  11. Think I might be showing symptoms *cough cough*
  12. Scotsman, Englishman, Welshman and Irishman walk into a bar. Those were the days.
  13. This “let’s clap for...” bullshit all over social media the last week. Fair enough last Thursday was original for the NHS staff who have done a great job but now everyone seems to want in on the act.
  14. I agree the racing in Monaco is usually boring but I always think there is something special about watching F1 cars driving around those streets, especially in the wet.
  15. Monaco cancelled this year as, for obvious reasons, they can’t reschedule for another weekend.
  16. Somerset is the best away day, Inverness the worst cos we never seem to win there
  17. Cam Newton leaving Carolina? Brady in?
  18. Poor start to the season, almost like nothing happened
  19. The only upside of the race maybe not going ahead, is not having to get up at 5am on Sunday morning!!
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