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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. Sorry, I meant third touch. But you could see him speeding up to get it back under control with no opponent in sight
  2. I have mentioned on another thread that a memory cell keeps firing off to say either Strachan and / or McGhee said that they did not have anything to do with the u - 21s. If true wtf ? Surely the u21s main purpose is to provide players for the senior squad !?
  3. Surely Steve Clarke should sort that out ? However iirc Strachan and / or McGhee were quoted as saying they had nothing to do with the u - 21s which I found shocking
  4. Already been suggested by someone ( who knows his fitba )
  5. Tierney instead of McGregor McKenna and Cooper centre halves Did you not know Tierney can play defensive midfielder as well now ! Sorted !
  6. McTominay in his proper position with , as someone else suggested , Tierney !!!
  7. Steve Clarke has him in the squad !?! No Aaron though !
  8. POLL - Does Mr Hickey now deserve a deserve a thread of his own ? ( Yes ) Should there also be a separate thread for Mr Gilmour ( yes )
  9. Genuine much hilarity on the show tonight with Robbie Nielsen " appearing " and someone sympathising about how he has had to clear up the mess left by previous managers
  10. We definitely need him with Nottingham injured
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