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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. 11/2 Hibs..................17/1 minus 1 .......................hmmm How shite is Ally ?.................1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  2. http://glasgow.en.craigslist.co.uk/cas/4578277199.html Tinder? PAH... Try Craigslist for the deviants..... Which one of you is 24, a weeg and 6'3?
  3. So his maw is a durty stop out that was out even later than him? Interesting
  4. When first I sat in that very boat, it was a 25 year old lass that had invited me , 4 years ago begorra. Or is it 5?
  5. Thursday night waiting on the tide to launch.. And starting the repairs today whilst throwing sticks in the water for the dug
  6. lol, hardly 'moored' , 'tis only a rib with a 40 on the back. Haven't even stuck it up on FB yet as been trying to do some fibreglassing afore the rain hit.
  7. As of Thursday, I have joined SJC with having a boat in the water Far from being as big, once I do a few repairs, it will be faster.
  8. Bear saves crow from drowning http://youtu.be/gJ_3BN0m7S8
  9. with Vicky no doubt ........ Put my first personally owned boat ( 4 m Rib with a 40hp ) in the water on Thursday, so off to start a few repairs directly. It is getting called ''The Stars''
  10. First hit on the old Google is for World of Warcraft. That is worse than a shady cult imho.........
  11. The one in 'Sharknado 2' isnae too bad either. Unlike the weather she's forecasting.
  12. Well I would have thought 'D' for 'Dead' would have ranked higher...........
  13. Tefi, what words would you use to list 239 teams? Clue...........rank could be one.....
  14. Yet the year after being the first loser, even with the financial jiggery Rangers were ranked, note the word, 138th. Not for the 5 year Tedi, please point out any part of my post you disagree with, and not refer it to a different page. Yet the year after being the first loser, even with the financial jiggery Rangers were ranked, note the word, 138th.
  15. Eh, naw. Read the link, it is from his site. And as you know Tedi, I am not a member of KDS....... nae cunto has altered it. If the dumbass bearz looked they would see the discrepancy between 'co-ef' and 'ranking'. They are 2 different pages you dolts.
  16. The year after their triumphal march to Manchester, they were ranked 138th, alongside M'well and QoS. http://kassiesa.home.xs4all.nl/bert/uefa/data/method4/tcoef2009.html Only the Scotland co-ef gave them any points at all. World wide brand............... And it is good to see that out of 239 European teams for this year, they are not included http://kassiesa.home.xs4all.nl/bert/uefa/data/method4/tcoef2015.html They are truly pointless.
  17. It's the right to vote that is the important bit (aside from the cash) , so the boycott the season ticket brigade get disenfranchised
  18. Jig, membership no 123456 ? I know "wurlt woide" but over one hundred thousand members already and it's launch day? I smell a rat..
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