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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. Possibly the drip feed release of the st cash will avoid the trading whilst insolvent.
  2. After the basic statement that they will be insolvent shortly without additional funding, he has to have a chance.
  3. Ach the SARS got his number..... Not just him that is banned from overseas assets..... It is his family as well.
  4. He didn't pay a quid for it, why would he come in now? That is aside from the cannae pass the fit and proper test, is debarred from being on the Ibrox Board, cannae own owt outside of SA otherwise it's jailtime, unable to move large amounts of cash to outside of SA etc etc. He is that much of a non-player that Ally would play him.
  5. Celtic were caught out last year with Bangura and Elfsburg. There was no Ruling, and Celtic had forgot to put in a clause on the Loan.
  6. It isn't a 'rule', it would be a 'condition'............ ie, up to the Clubs as part of the loan agreement.
  7. They must be skinto peddling this pish What the actual feck? They are 'free' but even then that is overpriced.
  8. Moshers :D Fined for no insurance and using a phone whilst driving. Said he was going to a catering course :D http://news.stv.tv/west-central/290467-rangers-player-mohsni-fined-for-using-mobile-phone-while-driving/
  9. One of the Norse names I seem to remember Both amounts within seconds, exactly the same. Nah, some boy is selling to himself. Market maker probably. No way on Earth , would that amount of shares be sold for over 20p.........
  10. People leaving Aberdeen? Time Lapse? Aye, taken over 2 1/2 minutes by the look of it.
  11. Probably a fiver would get you.. The last Club. The currant Club. The next Club. Far better/cheaper than shares
  12. 3 flaws DA.......... 1 /£650K ? nah, most of them are junior prices...... 2/ How many home games in the next 8 weeks? 3/ 8 weeks :D
  13. , still enjoyable. They have to win this though, any points dropped and it is 'tattie' to the League come the 22/11 when they get pumped at Tynie. That's if they live that long.
  14. Bearz naw happy at getting beat 2-1 after 40 odd minutes They are terrible to watch , it's compulsive viewing.
  15. They would need to get a 'proper' Issue passed at the AGM anyroads, so just now is a no go regardless of 'cost'.
  16. http://www.thefootballlife.co.uk/ ^^ good take on the proposed Issue, and why they are fecked. And the Records front page..
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