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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. It 'only' has a sectarian meaning if you think your currant Club is one denominational..................
  2. Not a bit of it. In memory of Throbert Young who passed away in the last day or so,. ''Thieves a keep a thieving, whores a keep a whoring'' That is the Sevco way.
  3. I'm sure he was mentioned afore but that is the first hit on the name timewise on here. Singapore doesn't have an extradition treaty with here, so it matters not a damn that he is wanted.
  4. With all their state aid shit, they will dissolve into a puddle of poo at this http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-citys-ffp-fine-shared-7744240
  5. Bale to score 2 or more, a score at 5/2 First bet in a while.
  6. But your team died. If you had principles, you would not have Tupe'd over to a gangster run con.
  7. Going by recent History, I wonder what statue they will hijack in two years time to mourn the passing of the 3rd Club?
  8. If that is real, and the prices are correct........then Apple has got 3 years left max afore it is the next Blackberry.
  9. Could have bought it for a quid, and when title deeds were known :D The clownshoes will lap that up.
  10. Struth 'was' a murderer and of the greatest manager of Rangers at that time. And which part is pish and wind?
  11. ? YOU are the one that supported the Club and the Regime who caused the Disaster with their scant regard to their own supporters safety. YOU are the one that supported the Club and the Regime who tried to blame it on a dead man. YOU are the one that supported the Club and the Regime that tried to screw the relatives. YOU are the one that supported the Club and the Regime that penny pinched on a purpose built memorial. And you whine like a little bitch over a funny gif?
  12. We have been over this many times. It 'is' a memorial. It 'wasn't commissioned as a memorial .... Anyhoo, fav for me of the highlights... Close call between the Joanna Lumley/SDM thing, and the wifie that bought her wean a brick for Xmas.
  13. The swamp is glorious on the first page or so as they think imrans cash has been unringfenced http://forum.followfollow.com/showthread.php?t=1022268 Then it sinks in....
  14. Is the Beast version of this 'Kinder'?
  15. My village has no 'Scottish Slimmers'' and the local Horses have to travel 50 odd miles to one. Post today from one of the agricultural girls, saying she is going on Monday night and has room in the car. Cue.. ''I'll come'' ''Me too'' ''And me xxxx'' (not sure if that was 'kiss kiss' or pant size) ''Leaving after 5? add me in'' I am sooooooooooooooo tempted right now to post 'but you only have a shitey wee Clio' , and the pic
  16. Glad to see your not ashamed of your rascist club and are happy to put Gullits least favourite rascist Club in the World-----------evah, to your profile
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