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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. The oneplusone looks outstanding. The reason I never got one is mentioned all over this thread as to why folk are looking to upgrade. Their integral batteries are goosed , and the 1+1 has one. (Still don't know if the tinge issues on the screen have been fixed either). I am on my 2nd jiayu g4 advanced , first lasted 6/8 months afore the damp got to it and then got the updated version . See the Chinese phone thread for prices as I cannae mind off the top of my head, but the newer one was @ £120 3 months ago. Excellent phone, and now I have 4 3000mah batteries with a seat charger. The batteries vary in duration, from probably 5 to 8 hours life, and degrade slowly through time, that's 5to8 hours as a WiFi hotspot downloading torrents and simultaneously streaming radio, which is a huge amount of time. Exactly why you should never buy a phone with an integral one. Go Chinese junk baybee
  2. I'll try Forever_blue. Born 1995 (guess). Supported a team until he was 17. That team died. He changed allegiance to a new team, and has supported them since 2012. His living room window has a 'lemony with a hint of flyspray' hint about it. PayPal for royalties please, a cheque is frowned upon.
  3. Strange that. Nearly all the times I have saw the h word used, is when people are identifying a certain group/individual/organisation as being bigoted.
  4. So presumably he will do the same to the bearz that bypassed the swear filter with the pic of that livi boys tweet..... I doubt it.
  5. £430 win with £191 staked very very roughly with my bad eyes..
  6. £20 Madrid -1 first half single at 2's. Lot of losers today but from £20 yesterday morn to £240 now, I'll take it. And that's after having £80 to £220 on Thursday with Celtic + Inter which I withdrew , so fag packet calculation of up £360 up I think
  7. Could go in either thread.... Had £20 on west ham, r madrid -1 + psg to return £80 plus change. Watched the PSG game with other 2 in the bag, thought they were rank even though one up after 71, so stuck £10@8's on the draw after 82 mins. Cue last minute equaliser. Actually won slightly more with them cuntin' it.
  8. The PIC that Kincardine posted showing who was on the hibs/sevco game thread. 411 incl guests, members and anonymous users.
  9. The verbose equivalent of you frantically scouring the house in a panic for 'the' sock, without having a sexual thought in your head.
  10. Shiite Jamaican comedy. Literally. Must be related to all the big booty stuff you search for.
  11. The bog seat was down when she sat on the cludgie ....
  12. £500 note :D He was paid obviously in £500 coins. Easier for the puggy I'd imagine. He should've kept them, now worth £3k only 2 years later..... http://www.westminstercollection.com/p-M510/uk-london-2012-silver-kilo-coin.aspx
  13. Re my own q as to who owns what.... From the boys take on the accounts from the rangers standard. That's right. The accounts. So this is MORE than a year old
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