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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. Bubba Ho-Tep is one of my favourites , really nice gentle story about growing old. But no, it was a Celtic, Rangers and Hearts jibe. They were the diets after all..........
  2. No need, I'm sure it will get mentioned here http://www.bdo.co.uk/services/business-restructuring/rfc-2012-plc-formerly-the-rangers-football-club-plc-in-liquidation when the next report comes out in a few days time
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-27736008 Must have id'd him, seen his surname and let rip.
  4. Yeh, the second share issue. Tedi I might be even more screwed up than even I think, but I am 100% sure that at the initial one, they said a second one would be needed before the clumpany could get to the top tier . 'But', how does that fund raising help the club? The club is in debt to the Co....big style. Any funds raised might tick it along to continue the spivvery but that is it.
  5. Tedi. In what form would any investment be made? Remember this is not the Minty era, it is a Listed Co now.
  6. Because their books are sub £100. A lot of the 16/17 year olds that started the journey are not willing to coff...........
  7. Bing (2)


    Watched the first lot when it came out and regretting watching a preview of the second, so waiting till the end
  8. 17,000. I was convinced. 'However', as the majority are yoofs, even the odd £500 a seat boyo doesn't help that much. Esp as they are paying them up They will still get large crowds 'if' they make it to the start of the season, but that is their cash flow projections all screwed. Happy daze fellow bearz.
  9. http://www.thelocal.es/20140605/man-in-gorilla-suit-shot-by-vet
  10. He won't. Might not even remember the new lot, or the lot coming to play on Glasgow Green shortly
  11. ''poor Goebbels, had no balls, at all'' A bit like Sevco shortly then.......
  12. At a guess, check the 'do not track' feature under 'tools - safety'. If 'on' it might override. Doubt it will be the auto complete but double check that under 'tools-internet options-content-auto complete-settings-' and make sure it is ok there.
  13. Plenty are ..... far more premium brands there compared to here. And apart from Gold, there is far far more precious metals in every phone.
  14. Well their hot on the trail of someone. From the comments this morning after the unionoffuds latest... https://twitter.com/RFC_Union/status/472870549149192193/photo/1
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