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Bing (2)

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Everything posted by Bing (2)

  1. I was talking re season books, not pies, scarves, away ticket income walk ups and hospitality etc etc etc If you had indeed raised that much, why are you skint? ('s ok, P+D's know this one) This 'business review' Tedi.............. who supplied it? Is it binding? Or is it like the actual accounts and signed off with the caveat of being a going, lol, concern?
  2. There has only been one set of accounts. Do you think this is like buses? Don't issue any for a few years then suddenly two in one year? It was an interim Tedi, a fecking trading statement. NOT accounts........ Aye WRK waaaaaaay ahead of you as normanl
  3. 20 secs to google... If you are saying CF is admissible, so then will the Records interview with Charles. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/charles-green-rangers-finances-are-fantastically-1407015 Includes other such purlers as lol, not much point in c+p'ing more, the whole thing is a dream, including the 'Rangeritus'
  4. Tedi, ffs, you have been duped all the way, are now wary as Hell, yet still swallow the Party line. Right. I assume you are refferring to which was £8.1M. So if the season sales for the games still to be played as at Dec 2012 were still to be taken into account, the total would have been what? £18M? Plus the lucrative hospitality. Plus the Sponsorship? £13M less a generous 1/2 season = £6.5M, take away from £8.1M = £1.6M. The hospitality fees were huge (getting bigger ) and you add the sponsors, and you actually believe they added up to £1.6 M from Dec to the end of the season. Jeeeesus. How far through the season is December? It was 13 months Tedi, 2 fecking years
  5. Yet the accounts cover 13 months Tedi................. £6.4 M from the first year, and from your own Rangersstandard crown re the second £6.4 (1st year) + £6.9 M (2nd year to the end of the a/c period) = £13.3. Rounding off, that is the amount you claim for one year. Chuckles said all this at the time ffs.
  6. First year was........ 3. Revenue 7 month period to 31 December 2012 £'000 £6.4M.......... Eta, I think it is safe to say Tedi will need to be washing the car for the rest of the day again ........
  7. That was two years Season books Tedi, as Charlie said in advance...........
  8. And see detail in previous post , £20M wouldn't be enough. Which comes back to Craigy and not chuckles. And if back to Craigy, it isn't a big leap to the pension fund killer. But also, it was the 'myth' of it all. ''Large numbers'' is true, but only because the kiddies prices were about £60/80 a season wasn't it? (plus the freebies given away). It was all about maintaing an illusion. If the prices had remained 'fairly' high (needed to keep in line with the expenditure ), there would have been sub 30,000. Possibly sub 20,000. And that would have declined the second year due to the dross on offer. Tedi, I am only doing this from memory, but the Div 3 season when the Record etc trumpted ''full house'' re season sales, I think the figure of £12M was mooted and splashed as such by the compliant journos. The accounts said however iimr , circa £6M. None of the Horde questioned this, just more of ''Full hoose = WATP'' crap.
  9. Assuredly they took place, and yes it was a stitch up from before day 1. But my sort of point (just finished work and getting napper round the last two days worth of lolz) is that snafu etc think by denying the spivs income they will get ''their club'' back. It is hard to make comparisons, as shoite in the En@lish Leagues like Bolton etc get more financial income Tedi, so I suppose the nearest to what you aspire to compete with is Celtic. They are valued at what? £60M+? Any stock market valuation does NOT include players. So to drive the spivs out, you will need to pony up at least say £40M. Which is roughly what it would take going by the share price 12 months ago. Then, you would need to rebuild the asbestos ridden hovel, and buy a squad of what the Horde would demand as 'Rangers quality'. Say another £30M to compete with Celtic , for one years sake. So denying the spivs more income will lead to what exactly? Them caving in and accepting a few £££ when they have alternatives, such as sale/leaseback (which would end the charade), or being even more (St)ruthless. Which again would finish it. So the voracity of Charlotte is an irrelevance to Rangers, but by damn it is important to the rest of Scottish football, in respect of we need to see how far the corruption of our Governing bodies lies. Now that, is what must be rooted out. Rangers are gone, done and dusted.
  10. Charlotte Fakes ? :D Next you will be quoting the disgraced provo lawyer
  11. Something about no postal service on a Bank Holiday I think, so they tried to hand deliver stuff to address with nae cunto in, and nae letterbox
  12. , bugger cannae mind his name. More of note though, is what is the confirmed bachelor standing on to get his mug in shot?
  13. How low must you feel when even a scumball like him feels he has the higher moral ground :D
  14. How many sons did Struth have? Looks like they all turned up, free bus passes for the auld help with the turnout..
  15. The boat I use every day is actually called ''Thor''. Blue, heavy, and (with me at the tiller) batters into everything Well named.
  16. Who knows? What does having an AC Milan top as your avatar with at least a tenspot for every one sold going to Dingbats mean?
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