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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Dowds, Kabia, Williamson was the best RB in the league last year for the team that won it, MCcann was your player of the year before he left, Paul Watson is fine and would probably get a game for anyone but Cove and yourselves, Nesbitt was ridiculous for 2 months before either losing confidence or coached into being sh1te, Griffiths speaks for himself. We are not getting the best out of them.
  2. Probably clutching at straws, but I’m now starting to think appointing an actual football manager would at least make us look like a football team again. Names that used to be make me shudder (McIntyre, Johnstone etc) now don’t. Its the lack of competitiveness against any team higher in the league that does it for me
  3. Just howling at the idea that 6 new players plus Dowds couldn’t possibly have made us a competitive team in this division. If the new board swallow that up from Rennie we’re in for an absolute shiter of a 2022/23 season
  4. Keena scoring a hat trick tonight, the third of which is a goal he didn’t even look close to scoring with us for 2 years. Cursed.
  5. Thought there was a better chance of him being a good appointment than Rennie tbh. Had won a league with Arbroath and came with the promise of attacking football - you’ll win games 6-2, 5-2 etc.
  6. Just looking at your crowds through this period - triple digits, sometimes into the 1000-1500 mark. Imo that’s why it’s difficult, so far, to compare us to Airdrie. We’re getting 4k, or there or thereabouts, until very very recently. “Crowdwank” calls. Nah. This is by far the main source of income for teams in our league (barring the wealthy newbies ala Kelty). So our crowds are roughly 3/4 times larger. I think it’s fair to say a playing budget is roughly 3 times as large as yours ever was, even after you initially came down. It’s basically incomparable. Mismanagement of a monumental scale. However, next season is probably where you can start to compare. ST’s will be way down and walk ups will be few and far between.
  7. Such a false equivalence imo. For the love not the glory, otherwise we’d all be ugly sister fans. Now that we possibly have the right idea board wise, being up shit creek leaves me more likely to invest as this is when we need it most.
  8. A potential list of managers for next season. Wright probably unattainable. Jim Mcintyre John Mcglynn Tommy Wright Allan Johnstone Peter Houston (would be ever come back? Probably not) Darren Young Danny Lennon (might not touch us?) Jim Duffy Ian Murray (why he’d ever come to us f**k knows but added anyway) Vote now!
  9. Brad McKay for that first goal . 3 year deal.
  10. What a treat Hearts St Mirren is. 2 teams with desire and a sprinkling of quality to add. Impossible to find for us it seems.
  11. Didn’t even think Airdrie were that good today, think they’ve played a fair bit better than that this season. And yet, as comfortable a 1-4 as you’ll ever see. Christttt
  12. Gamble worth taking by the board to get Rennie in imo. However, stroke of genius with the 6 month contract. He’ll be gone in 5 weeks. Just hasn’t worked. Next.
  13. We’re basically the exact opposite of this. A team that you know exactly what performance you’re going to get. Typically beating teams below us, horsed by teams above us. Has been this way for 3 years.
  14. I think he was seeking clarity and it is definitely worth the debate. As you said this is all very new so questions should be asked and deserve fair answers.
  15. I do wonder if, in the future, we will implement a rule that no one who wants to represent FSS is also a patron. Obvious pro and con to this is - Pro - Balance. Far cleaner having 2 pure FSS members than 2 guys who could be accused of being unbiased, given they’re patrons and potentially know the other 2 patron board members fairly closely Con - Potentially missing out on 2 guys who would’ve done a good job as FSS board representatives. Maybe they’re a better fit than 2 guys who FSS have put forward that year who aren’t patrons.
  16. The main difference being we now have a 400 strong (and growing) fan group who now get to anonymously vote who 2 board members are. It will never be as bad as the old pals act, because of this fact. In many ways, we now get the board we deserve, as fans need only pledge the fairly small amount of £10 a month to have a meaningful say. Agree however that it is poor to have had an FSS member, who was up for nomination, who was also a Patron, without being alerted of the fact before vote - should’ve been told before. Imo that is just an oversight - these guys are new and learning on the job. Fine by me.
  17. Not bothered to look it up, but I think your lot have won or drawn every game at falkirk stadium since we’ve been down? “Dreading” that game is a luxury!
  18. I think interviews can be largely irrelevant to a coach/manager’s performance but in this case it’s looking increasingly likely you are correct.
  19. Airdrie 9/5 on William Hill. Easiest bet of the season.
  20. My thoughts on us for the last 3 years condensed into 2 sentences.
  21. Got downvoted last week for saying the club should now be on the hunt for next season’s manager. Can anyone provide a reason why that shouldn’t be the case? I actually think Rennie has recruited decently. Despite that, performances, and results, have gotten worse. And that is from an incredibly low base. I could see nothing from his history that suggested he’d be great, including fans of other teams saying he was very uninspiring for them. This season is done, and if the new board want any sort of ST uptake, he cannot be here next season.
  22. Definitely a back 4, can’t have McCann and mcguffie as the left 2 of a 5. Better team barring Miller, and no ATS to be seen. Hopefully Kabia fit enough for a cameo when it’s 1-0 Clyde or 1-1
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