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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. This Twitter account came up on my feed, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same guy - desperately trying to cover his own back, replying to any tweet saying the bids are completely loony. Fans deserve better.
  2. Saw on instagram Miller Morrison Lang etc were all at top golf, they’re probably pissing themselves at that article
  3. “If you can’t beat them, try and sign them” Hilarious article although you can have Alfie
  4. Had a seizure trying to read that on my phone. More ads than words!
  5. Of course but then last week at home v anyone was a lot better than Edinburgh for example. I just think our picture quality has NEVER been as good as it should be. It’s like watching in SD when you’ve seen HD being made for less money. I’m not trying to upset volunteers. Just wondering if there is a reason our picture quality has never reached the level Montrose or Alloa can achieve.
  6. A better camera, or a better knowledge of equipment than us? The clarity in that compared to anything put out by us is mental
  7. Our camera quality is consistently poor, which it shouldn’t be considering the money spent on it. Edinburgh, Montrose and Alloa for example have much better clarity of picture whenever I see their highlights. Isn’t a new thing though, the quality was as poor last season and seasons before too
  8. Unrealistic expectations. Not a manager in the world gets every contract correct. Guardiola goes through about 3 duds for every success. Mcglynn’s success rate has been remarkable
  9. The corner goal is a freak event not bad defending imo. The ball looks like it’s heading for the goal line so all players rush to the line to try cover the angle. It skims perfectly off the bar and straight to an Edinburgh head. So an assist for the bar. Maybe if you’re harsh someone should’ve stayed marking him but it’s a situation I’ve never seen before having watched a lot of football
  10. Really grinds too that next week’s pitch is terrible meaning greater risk of injury. If we’d played that team today next week and lost or played similarly I wouldn’t have given 2 fecks.
  11. Alloa away we seem to always do well at. Expecting a reaction there
  12. Set piece stuff is crap. They were better and if we hadn’t made any changes at half time we were very unlikely to score
  13. Can tell by the FTV interview he knows he fucked it but has too much pride to outright really say it and apologise. Think he’s learned that lesson though don’t think he should’ve had to in the first place.
  14. It works because of the quality we now have behind it. Miller, Morrison, Nesbitt and Spencer buzzing behind the central striker. There’s our attacking strength, as well as the flying wingbacks. Experiment tried and failed, never ever ever again please. Oliver up top on his own next week please.
  15. If you aren’t angry after today you never will be. As someone posted earlier maybe somehow a blessing in disguise. We’re not Barcelona.
  16. A thanks and goodbye to Mcginn, Allan and Mackie please. Agyeman AWFUL today but has shown enough imo.
  17. We would’ve won if Morrison was on at HT btw - why was he on the bench? Another disgraceful decision if he was fit enough to come on at any point but didn’t.
  18. Stream went down then LiveScore said full time at 2-1. FFS!
  19. Well done Edinburgh. Completely deserved win. Outfought for 90 minutes.
  20. This and he’s also fucked the feel good from the players towards him. There’s a core of 11/12 who have grafted their arse off to get into this position. Mcglynn has undone a huge amount of that hard work with one single team lineup. Hard to get that back to where it was before today.
  21. Put a few quid on it but not enough. Cash out at 18x my money already - ridiculous bookies error given our team lineup.
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