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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I’ve got a few more. Some crackers right enough.
  2. Your shoes don’t fit properly or you wear two socks on each feet. (I assume you were doing some sort of exercise/sport?)
  3. Bermuda Triangle stuff. Outstanding.
  4. Surprised you didn’t call her a cow.
  5. Why has the Russian question been buried?
  6. Have we all been teleported back to the 70s?
  7. HB being sexist? Well I never.
  8. Ooft. Has the last 10 years not happened to you?
  9. Nah, I’m sure she’ll get them telt tbh.
  10. Yeah, I have no idea what the f**k he’s expecting Corbyn to say here.
  11. I’ve already played through it. The game is so typically Shenmue, it’s great, and shite at the same time. The fucking ending. [emoji23]
  12. Officer: “So, what caused the lady to punch you in the face?” WATTOO: “Well I just went up to her and started speaking to her, I couldn’t hear her very well so I just put my hands toward her face and moved her hair, like the kind bloke that I am, nothing out of the ordinary officer”
  13. I mean, that’s not what I said. By all means speak to people (they might not want to speak to you though, and customarily tell you to f**k off). Don’t be surprised if you end up getting a sore jaw cause you touch someone without their permission though.
  14. Also WATTOO, you shouldn’t touch anyone without them giving prior indication and consent that that’s alright for you to do. Imagine going up to someone in a nightclub and brushing their hair away. [emoji23]
  15. Crown prosecutors literally throwing shite at the wall and hoping it sticks with that number of charges. It’s like police tactics 101, literally designed to scare the defendant into pleading guilty to SOMETHING. Hope he fights it all the way.
  16. All eerily similar to the aftermath of when Saville was outed: so many subtle hints, and not so subtle digs by those in the media about his horrid actions.
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