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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. That duolingo course is good fun. f**k up on telling the difference between Math and Mhath though, guess it’s the V sound coming through more that’s the tell on Mhath but hearing it in a sentence can throw you.
  2. No, he’d start a fight and piss off everyone in the dressing room. On field it’s fine to have that sort of dogged mentality but to be a good manager you need a nuance of sorts with dealing with people; Gowser I think hasn’t been blessed with that. Can you imagine him in a suit on the sidelines though? [emoji23]
  3. Oh f**k off, at least beat us so we can sack him.
  4. Moaning about a sore head/back and not taking anything for it, not even paracetamol. This could be extended to anyone in general really, but (being stereotypical/sexist here) women seem to be the worst offenders for this sort of thing.
  5. Video doing the rounds of the guy (presumably? ) who was shot sitting up after the bridge was evacuated. Tin foil hatters will love this. ETA the video:
  6. Both sets of fans like to make jibes about disabled people, so it was pulled. Shocking stuff tbh.
  7. I was going to tell you that GD, being the diddy that he is, was looking for a reaction with that sort of shite.
  8. There was talk of another incident near Borough Market; possibly have intel that there might be more attacks expected. No surprise they've beefed up police presence regardless.
  9. Either that or he was trying to swipe at the police with the weapon he had, but you'd think they'd be able to restrain him and get it off him without too much hassle; like you say if he said he had a bomb on him or something they're quite right to shoot. ETA: Spotted the member of the public who got the knife off him backing well away from the whole thing, so either he had ANOTHER weapon, or a suicide vest on. Say what you want about the Met but they don't go about shooting people without reasonable cause (in the vast majority of cases, before anyone points me to a select few that garnered a lot of media attention)
  10. There's a sizeable amount of people who'll say yes it does. They're disgenous p***ks though.
  11. Plaid Cymru leader having a fucking nightmare there, Jesus.
  12. Nah, f**k them. Even more so the c***s that stand in the middle of the street trying to find out who your gas/electricity supplier is. Even after you take the widest berth possible away from them, they still cut into your path and bother you. In my line of work, I’m usually out and about with vulnerable people, and the amount of times they’ve repeatedly cut into our path to ask the same shite they asked us when we walked past/away from them the first time is nonsense. Even if they notice that the client I’m with is getting distressed from the hassle and interruption, they get bent out of shape if I sternly tell them that I’m not interested and that I’m currently working. Wankers.
  13. If that doesn’t f**k the Tories, nothing sadly will, any case I’ll be fucking right off if they begin to dismantle the Scottish NHS.
  14. Not that I agree with Jordan Peterson on many things; specifically his insistence on tying religion to psychological wellbeing, however from this clip from a longer interview, he's clearly in a very bad way: Here's the full link to the interview on Youtube:
  15. Nope. One bite and it looks like you’ve taken a delicious load to the face.
  16. Fucking shakies? How many years ago did you last visit? [emoji23]
  17. Never had a fudge donut out of Fisher and Donaldsons then. That’s the real winner of doughnuts.
  18. It’s up to the court of P&B as to why these targeted ads are being directed to me; god only knows. [emoji23]
  19. Oh come on now. Inverness’s cuisine vs metropolitan Dundee’s? Obviously never had a pie roll.
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