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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. It’s really fucking cool in hindsight though. I’ve never opened my eyes during sleep paralysis once after experiencing sheer horror at the sight of the sky outside being a blood red colour, and hearing what can only be described as a demonic howl/scream that vibrated my body. Just focus now on wiggling my toes to get the rest of the body moving instead of shitting myself at my brains sick joke.
  2. Not going to lie, was a bit teary reading that. Blood on UC supporters hands.
  3. They’re labelled as such throughout the city!
  4. Not my fence, just a public walkway being separated from a main road. And MM, you’re probably right about the hot air from Dens.
  5. Can’t move for the stuff at the Dens road roundabout tbf.
  6. Apparently there was snow in Dundee but I looked out of my window and there's absolutely f**k all.
  7. I feel as if Duffy could be the next Jocky tbh. No idea why.
  8. Humans aren’t designed for heights anyhow; lucky the adrenaline seekers haven’t been selected out by nature yet.
  9. Chewing on a pair of corduroys. Like something from the Saw franchise, that.
  10. Anything made from velvet; specifically older car seats covered with that sort of velvet/minging material. Any sort of buzzing that sounds like a wasp/fly catching my ears; makes me physically cringe, probably to do with the fact I’m terrified of wasps. A plastic bag that’s caught in a fence or a tree, being fluttered by the wind makes a similar sort of noise and makes me squirm if I hear it. Folks with dirty hands; especially nails. Gives me the boak. Bonus points for that smokers tinge smokers get on their fingers. Bogging.
  11. Jack Hamilton wanted a slice of my bet. Free money.
  12. Deadpan delivery of the shite questions just compounds the lifelessness.
  13. This wee interlude/interview with Turnbull is fuckinggggg shite.
  14. No idea where it went so wrong politically for a bloke from Dundee. Complete rocket.
  15. Got to watch out for those iran-y looking planes.
  16. That determination you’re on about is really important; if you’re going to be invading Iran, it won’t just be the army you have to worry about. Was similar in Iraq and Afghanistan; you’ll have large swathes of the civilian population fundamentally despising you, and potentially doing everything they can to make sure you head home in a casket.
  17. Horsed, yet still problems exist even to this day as a result of those escapades. Couldn’t even invade Vietnam properly ffs.
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