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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Well yes, I do know that. You’re right in saying that they will be keeping cards close to their chest; I did say they will have cases, and they will probably be in the most densely populated and well connected cities in the country. Outside of those cities though, and into rural Russia, god only knows. I would wager the spread will be slower though, because of the population spread.
  2. Russia won’t be immune, there will be people with it (I also assume Russian healthcare for those on middling/low income will be not the best, so no chance of testing), but their population is so sparsely distributed that the virus will take almost double/triple the amount of time to spread. Your first two points I don’t think I can really address. The virus has to start somewhere? And Iran probably just had a perfect storm of societal, and healthcare issues that led to virus running rampant.
  3. Curious if there will be an overall illicit drug shortage because of the tighter, closed borders; and the fact most people will probably be self-isolating instead of muling ching into Aberdeen Harbour.
  4. One of the charges has been dropped. https://www.thenational.scot/news/18308463.alex-salmond-trial-sexual-assault-charge-dropped/
  5. Going by the boffin in the video that’s been linked a few times, he’s saying that countries that treat the fever aspect of the illness with the usual fever reducing drugs are seeing higher death rates. Avoiding paracetamol and Ibuprofen might not seem too silly.
  6. I know it’s not, but there’s been a bunch of racist shite floating about saying that is the case. That’s why in the original post I said it was daft as f**k.
  7. Oh don’t be sorry at all, I know that’s the case, it’s the diddies believing everything they read online that think the supply chain of bog roll is going to be fucked by China.
  8. Anticipating a supply shortage because apparently most of the stuff comes from China. Daft as f**k but hey ho.
  9. A hypothetical torrent site is your best bet. Hypothetically.
  10. And your source for the renal unit being "crawling with it"? Snr. Charge nurse who's a relative.
  11. Not at all. Ward 22 is the ward that solely deals with all aspects of renal complications and care. The fact he picked up that it's mainly referred to a unit instead of a ward is a strange one. https://nursing-placements.dundee.ac.uk/placement-profiles/ward-22-ninewells-hospital https://www.careopinion.org.uk/services/t101h-renal
  12. Renal ward (22) in Ninewells is crawling with the virus.
  13. Neat AI Story/Text generator that I play around with sometimes; I typed "Corona Virus and Dundee United aren't getting along" as a prompt and it gave me this: Corona Virus and Dundee United aren't getting along over what some have called 'home advantage.' While the ongoing legal dispute could be resolved soon, the sense of mistrust runs so deep that even the match-day proceedings will be slightly hampered by the absence of an official. A lawsuit last month between the long-time rivals over home advantage angered Dundee United manager Jackie McNamara. Last week, the High Court in Glasgow granted a final injunction in an attempt to stop next month's meeting. "Every time a crowd goes behind one goal that is a step towards us gaining that superiority over them," said United boss Jackie McNamara. "We have to go a lot deeper than that with one-goal games Make of that what you will. PS. Here's the link to the generator: https://talktotransformer.com/?fbclid=IwAR3WnaLEiPZMZVAFPwggstPLNmzqky7mNtPuHWkqwIDt8Wz7D40M9HLCIgQ
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