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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. It’s almost like I should have put my top queen at the top dark square, right? That would have been the correct thing to do. As it seems, I only make mistakes in my chess games now. Im furious.
  2. Also just consign me to the chess wasteland, Two queens up in Div B match after a good defensive phase only to stalemate. Utter donkey dick. Even said to the kid I bet i’ll stalemate such is my lack of ability rn.
  3. I’d very much like to fire Fischer random into the sea; please.
  4. We seriously showing no love for Blue Rev?
  5. The engine absolutely annihilated me and rightly so. No idea how the Rook > Queen blunder could be considered great though, not detracting from you, you had to see it and execute the move but it couldn’t have been more obvious.
  6. XCTR94 pumped by resignation. Too much booze and beak last night made me think I could divinate theory on the fly; Invergowrie can confirm that blundering my queen to an open file rook doesn’t constitute sound theory.
  7. I still need to play invergowrie from the previous week I think.
  8. Can I get an ex done for harassment for contacting women that I’m speaking to?
  9. Alvvays new album “Blue Rev” is a masterpiece. Definite AOTY material.
  10. If there’s more proof that god doesn’t exist, I’d perish to think what it would consist of. What a tragedy.
  11. I’m struggling with a beak habit and I’d very much want to stop.
  12. He doesn’t need to bother; I’ve already made my mind up. [emoji6]
  13. Date with copper was fine; went to Porters and was a bit disappointed with the food but she seemed keen. She didn’t know who the new boy was that we’ve appointed so he can f**k off as far as I’m concerned.
  14. I’d rather not have to read Eraserheads utter shite on here, thanks.
  15. Watched that earlier, f**k that for a game of soldiers. No idea why people cave in the first place.
  16. I have a date with a copper on Saturday so can only welcome our new piggy overlords.
  17. Div B XCTR94 beats PnBMathematics by checkmate. Really close opening and mid game until PnB blundered a punish on my Queen blunder; opened up from there, and slowly worked my way up the board with my queen and pawns. Thought I defended pretty solidly besides the aforementioned unpunished queen blunder [emoji102]
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