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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. HR Giger inspired horror game which demonstrates that even if you don’t know that you are part of “the machine”, it doesn’t devalue the horror and pain “the machine” inflicts on those around you. Good video about it here from one of my favourite YouTubers:
  2. New COD SP was fantastic, loved it. Multiplayer is so far not bad. Trying the R6-Siege type game mode knockout, and it’s great. I was pretty shit hot at siege back in the day and watching cod players trying to play it is hilarious.
  3. It’s not a bad album, it’s just not very good. Which is okay.
  4. I wouldn’t be so sure about the RCN. I’ve heard they’ve been recommended to strike.
  5. That’s brilliant to hear. That’s all you can do, take it one day at a time. Writing down the good times is a fantastic idea, definitely keep on with that. You’d be able to fill a book no doubt.
  6. I’d also appreciate an update on Jimi, if anyone has any connection to him.
  7. I’m really sorry to hear this. I know it’s easy for me to say but don’t guilt, torment, or otherwise blame yourself for anything that happened. You did everything you could. You loved her, and she loved you. Cherish the good times. The small reminders will hurt so badly at times, it never goes away, just gets a bit easier. All so cliche I know, but please believe me.
  8. Mortgage the house, put it all in crypto. That’s all you need to do.
  9. I had a chilli donner kebab in a garlic naan from Charlie Khans last night; fucking outstanding. Won’t hear a bad word about them.
  10. The original, sugar filled orange lucozade. Used to go through about 6 bottles a day, miraculously not diabetic.
  11. Chens is the best Chinese in Dundee by a long way.
  12. I assume the mark/kid result impacts me? What happens? Playoffs from top of Div C?
  13. I’m conflicted. Could well be that the songs sound great live (like this one does here) but I can see where the dislike can arise from (especially Turners wanky on stage mannerisms).
  14. Also agree with this. They aren’t the same wee dafties just fresh out of Sheffield. They’ve had their “huge” album in the shape of AM, all the way back in 2013. I’m all for Tranquility base and The Car, I don’t hate them at all, but surely there’s a way to make it not seem like Alex Turner solo projects? In saying that; “The Ultracheese” is probably my favourite Arctic monkeys song so, who knows. “I ain’t quite where I think I am” is a funky as f**k tune, almost silk sonic-esque; it feels like it’s building, then just ends. Fair does, it leads to “Sculpture of anything goes” which sounds like it could have been on AM. It’s frustrating; the extraordinary talent is still there, it’s just not getting utilised efficiently.
  15. Can’t really see Turner replicating station to station era Bowie though… I maintain Turner’s best work is his OST for the film “Submarine”. You can see the genius in his song writing; Christ, you can ALMOST see it in the last 2 AM albums, but just use some more actual music.
  16. Alex Turner, cocaine? Never.
  17. I do find it a bit telling that it’s only ever Turner and Helder mostly giving the interviews; was the same for the last album. Could be wrong but all the radio interviews I’ve listened/watched it’s just been those two.
  18. I’ll still go for “Blue Rev” as album of the year. Alvvays basically touching MBV Loveless levels.
  19. Div B XCTR94 beats Mark by checkmate. Miraculous. Didn’t have a solid plan until near the end of the mid game where I just stacked my rooks and queen and thought, “f**k it”. Don’t think my opponent had his defence set up to rotate/counter in time. Well played. Where that leaves me in the table this season I don’t know. Enjoyed it thoroughly though, regardless. I’ll be back.
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