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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. I thought i heard somewhere that Beck has a bad injury and might not kick a ball again. Might not be true though.
  2. Rogers, Muirhead, Watson, Grant, Leahy, Taiwo,Sibbald, Baird, McHugh, Vaulks Alston/Kerr.
  3. We had agreed monies with Clarkson according to Houston, but when Motherwell came in he wanted to play in the Prem. So he must have been happy enough with the wages we offered him, and i wouldn't imagine Macdonald was on peanuts last season.
  4. I just wish he would cast his net wider than Scotland, it seems bizarre to me that every player he has signed have played in Scottish football with the exception of Morgan, i mean he's after an experienced striker, i can't think of any other freebies up here that fill that category that haven't already been mentioned ie Miller, Daly, so if that's his remit chances are it must be one of them.
  5. I'm not jumping through hoops about his signings either, his track record isn't too great, but Watson seemed to play well against us for Raith, McHugh is a gamble, that may or may not pay off, Rogers is an able replacement for Macdonald, who was pretty average with us. Tbf we have made offers to a few strikers and been knocked back, Clarkson being one, who chose Motherwell at the last minute, we are still after a striker, who we end up with is another story. You have to remember that Allagui, Taylor and Loy were all unknowns before they came to us and were a success, my fear is that trend will stop at some point. Out of all Houston's signings probably Taiwo, Kerr and Baird have been the best, Grant was already lined up by Holt and technically not a Houston signing he has been superb. Smith and Cooper have been poor, Muirhead hasn't really had much game time but looks decent enough, Boulding, Tudur - Jones and Morgan were just bloody awful.
  6. A lot of our fans have said the same thing about Houston knowing full well Loy was going and yet did sod all about sourcing his replacement, we do seem to have a knack of uncovering unknowns like El Allagui, Taylor and Loy who have all been successful, whether this trend continues remains to be seen, can't keep pulling rabbits out a hat i suppose. We did miss out on Clarkson, he had agreed terms but Motherwell came in at last minute, he would have been a decent replacement for Loy. Lee Miller and Jon Daly have been mooted, but more in hope than expectation i think. Miller is one i wouldnt really want anyway.
  7. I think a lot will depend on our strikers, McHugh is a gamble but looks ok so far if he can keep fit and i wouldn't say he is the same type of player as Loy, we are still looking for an experienced front man. Allied to Baird, and Biabi who should kick on this year. If we can get our strikers scoring goals and not just relying heavily on one man like Loy last year then we should make top 4 no problem
  8. Has a bit of pace, just isn't very good and that's being kind to him.
  9. Yeah said he was a good pro, has ability and 3 years ago would have been a "no brainer" to sign him, but felt as he is 34 this year and his legs had started to go a bit decided against offering him a deal but did say he would probably get signed up by someone.
  10. Didn't know the heff was on trial with you? good luck with that one he was mince on trial with us.
  11. Alston hasn't been the same player since Pressley left imo, at least he was scoring goals and seemed to have loads of energy, nowadays he seems a shadow of that player, it could be that he has been at the club too long and needs a change, Duffie is another one who isn't the same player that burst onto the scene but he has had his fair share of injuries to contend with so maybe taking its toll on him.
  12. A lot will depend on the experienced striker Houston signs, as we still look a bit lightweight in that department, other than that we are in ok shape, haven't lost any players (so far) apart from the ones we knew were going and have brought in what looks to be 3 decent signings with hopefuly one or two more. I expect us to finish top four as does Houston it would seem, he has no excuses this year about not knowing the players, the league blah blah like last season when he came in.
  13. Queens have lost nearly 3/4 of a team, Holt, Durnan, Reilly, Carmichael, Clark, Burns, Mitchell,McKenna, off the top of my head i'm sure there was one or two more.
  14. You would hope that Cooper and Smith actually realise they are drinking in the last chance saloon with us anyway, i just cant see it happening though, there is a reason both were let go by their previous clubs, namely because they were shite! You can only hope one or both go through a Sam Mcgivernesque purple patch of unbelievable form for a season, but i wont hold my breath.
  15. Sibbald apart none of our midfield score many goals, we could do with a Stuart Taylor or David Moss type that can score goals on a regular basis. Shut down Sibbald and we lack creativity. Hopefully Thomas Grant and Ryan Blair can play more of a part this season.
  16. Hardly surprising Heffernan left without getting a contract, the guy is finished and has been for seasons, just because Paul Hartley recommended him, we all know the last player that was recommended to us by Billy Reid and look how gash he turned out. That said Heffernan must be unbelievably atrocious if he couldn't get a deal and Morgan did!!
  17. Heffernan should not be signed. If he cant impress against the likes of Athlone he will struggle against teams in our league.
  18. Baird got 7 goals in 17 games for us, i see no reason why he cant get 15 from a full season, barring injury and suspension and with decent strike partner beside him.
  19. I like John Baird, hes a busy little striker, i dont think its unrealistic to think he could get 15goals regardless of pens or not, the more worrying issue is getting someone along side him who can do the same.
  20. Take the point about there being good players in the lower leagues, but the ones we sign never seem to amount to much. I wouldnt even consider signing Heffernan, there will be other players still looking for teams, McHugh is a gamble aswell, although Houston has said he was a "right good player at Motherwell" mind you he said some similar guff about David Smith and we all know how he turned out. For me someone outwith whoever he signs needs to step up this year, whether it be Biabi(if he isnt sold) Shepherd, maybe even young O'Hara.
  21. Thats what im afraid of, seems a few of our fans don't want him myself included, maybe he will get injured before Houston gets a chance to shove signing papers at him.
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