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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Difference is we don't need to sell, thats not to say we wont if someone offers us a deal like we got for Mcgrandles which was £1m. All our players are under contract bar Macdonald and he could be easy enough replaced.
  2. Shame they never got a chance, when you think we are stuck with the likes of Smith and Cooper, they couldn't be any worse, but wish them well in their careers,
  3. Wouldn't be surprised to see him back at Falkirk although i don't think many fans would want him back, seems to be constantly injured and his best days behind him.
  4. The reason Fifa got involved in the Mark Stewart case was because Bradford refused to pay compo to us, they thought we weren't entitled to a development fee as he had moved to an English club. Wrong! Bradford then tried to take it to the court of arbitration for sport after we won our case. We still got the cash for him but as it dragged on so long we ended up getting less than we were originally awarded. Tbf he probably wasn't worth anywhere near what we got awarded anyway but that's not the point!
  5. You can have David Smith and Alex Cooper from us for nowt!
  6. Millar is a great footballer its just a pity he seems too fond of the odd cheeseburger in the off season, that was the reason Houston took the contract offer off the table when he took over from Holt, apparently Millar turned up like he had been supersizing the the big macs, and was nowhere near fit hence he ended up at Peterhead. If you can get him fit and healthy and keep him that way you will have one hell of a player.
  7. Macdonald is supposed to be signing for you once the cup final is out the way, can't say i'm too bothered tbh he has had some good games, some average and some shite! That said if he performs heroics in the cup final and we win then he will be the best keeper bar none!
  8. Personally i think we need more than just replacements for those who leave, our bench isnt strong enough quality wise.
  9. Falkirk fc fb page "Club move to secure squad" news to follow...
  10. Kane Hemmings signed for Dundee, he would have been a good replacement for Loy.
  11. Good strikeforce that, Hemmings, Loy and Stewart. Loy can't play wide although he is good at dropping off, he will probably float about, just don't play him is a lone striker, he is shite at it, needs a partner.
  12. The bit that is slightly worrying me is Houstons transfer dealings, he has to get it spot on next year, no more diddies like Boulding, OTJ, Morgan, Smith and Cooper.
  13. Daily Express saying that Killie hope to tie up Macdonald and Scott Robinson. Jamie Mac quoted in papers a few weeks ago saying he fancied another crack at the prem. If i were him id be more worried about being an automatic pick every week. That said if i were a Housty id be trying to nick McGurn from managerless Raith.
  14. Can't say i'm surprised at that, by and large i wasn't overly impressed by him, average a lot of the time, expected more from him tbh given the wages he was on. But wish him well. Just hope we get a good replacement.
  15. Heard a rumour that we are after Cuthbert as a replacement for Macdonald if he leaves, tbh i would rather have McGurn!
  16. Cuthbert is a decent enough keeper, tbh if i had a choice i'd rather have McGurn, anyway Best of luck today boys hope we get to the final! COYB!
  17. Kinda caught between a rock and a hard place, either bin Houston or keep him and allow him to waste more money on signing dross, the standard of football has been god awful to watch for the majority of the season aswell. We have no goalscoring midfielders who can get 10 or 12 goals a season and Loy apart no decent strikers, Baird tries hard and is good at penalties but needs a decent partner, he isn't great up top on his own a bit like Loy.
  18. Even if by some miracle we beat you on Sunday its still in your hands you will get enough points to get 4th.
  19. Hopefully a new manager come end of the season and some deadwood cleared out on playing side. Might get back to some entertaining football.
  20. Well done and good luck in the playoffs hope you do an Accies and get promoted, you lot have a good side just hope you can keep all your best players.
  21. That wouldnt surprise me at all tbh, the club have been far too quiet over his injury, i thought it may have been a ploy to keep everyone focused on trying to get into the playoffs and not detract from the fact he is crocked but surely the other players know what his situ is and it seems they have been sworn to secrecy aswell. Loy did have a lot of injuries earlier in his career i hope for the lads sake its not long term.
  22. Think if we win at livi and you lot lose to sevco allied to us winning at palmerston i still wouldnt back us, you have on paper an easier run in, i think it could go right to the wire, a defeat for us against livi or you lot or both would be a disaster.!
  23. See Russell quoted in the Sun today saying Falkirk are the team to beat, possibly the next QoS player to end up at the TFS next season!
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