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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. No, I'm pretty sure he went to Tannadice a few days later. Haven't checked the dates though so I might be wrong.
  2. I'm sure the only reason we lost that game - the last one of the quarter - was that the players were told on the eve / day of the Arbroath match that Jobbie was leaving.
  3. That was a common theme after the Airdrie game on all online forums. I strongly disagreed with it, though at the time I didn't say anything because it would have been farting against Thunder. Now that things have settled down a bit I'd like to state the case for his defence. (IMO anyway). Yes, he got it wrong against Airdrie. I'm sure if you were to ask him tomorrow he'd say that he should have done things differently for that game. Either in terms of player selection or tactics. Now that I think about it, that might be a good question for whenever they next do a fan forum. But for me the postitives outweighed the negatives. Improving us shouldn't have been hard, but FIVE successive management teams after Houston failed to do it. (Hartley, McKinnon, M&M, Sheerin & Rennie all took us lower and lower in the pyramid). McGlynn stopped the rot and got us into the playoffs. He did it despite having most of his budget tied up in players he didn't want. Almost all of his signings were a success, with probably only Matthew Wright being a let-down. He got us to Hampden which brought in major cash boost to the club, though admittedly he was a bit lucky with the draw. I don't mind that. I like lucky managers. He got us playing some excellent football which was probably the best since Houston almost got us up, even if he couldn't sustain it to the end of the season. For me all of that was more than enough to keep him on, never mind the gamble of starting again from scratch which had failed us so many times before. Or the financial risk in doing so. It now seems that faith has been repaid with recent performances. You can poke holes at McGlynns perceived failings, such as not playing two upfront, giving extended deals to Allan / Nesbitt / McGinn or his failures to beat Dunfermline & Airdrie. But for me he has one major strength which outweighs everything else. He can spot a player. He's up there with Jefferies in that regard even if they're operating at different levels. And it's why I want to see him at the club next season as an absolute minimum.
  4. Any time the TV companies cover our games our media staff ask ask if we can use their stream. It makes sense given that they have multiple cameras around the pitch giving different angles. Falkirk have one, which probably costs a fraction of those a TV company has, and so will be much more limited in what it can do. If they mute the BBC audio in order to use FTV commentators then it presumably stands to reason there will be no crowd noise. The two volunteers who commentate were at the game and doing it live, as was the media officer who did the tech stuff to make it happen. There was no FTV camera used for the match coverage. It was setup for the two postmatch interviews.
  5. The players have access to the pics I keep, as do the women and academy boys, so that's already in hand.
  6. He was injured during the Ayr game, but when he was sitting in the dugout prematch he said he expected to be back in training on Monday. That was nearly a week and a half ago so for all I know he may well have been and it could be someone else who's out. We'll find out on Saturday.
  7. Yes. I asked him this morning and he said his brother had been very complimentary about the setup at Falkirk and recommended that he come here.
  8. I think that's been answered under the "Transfer Of Funds to FFC" section in the members update of 9th September. "The FSS will raise this with the FFC board to discuss if this is permitted by the related financial regulations and if the proposal is workable. There will be further communication on this as discussions progress." Why don't we wait and see the outcome rather than worrying about "what ifs" that might never happen?
  9. U16s finished 3-2. Our number nine should have had a hat-trick and was denied by a peach of a save from the Montrose goalie. I didn't see the U18s as I was with the women on the community pitch. They beat St Mirren 2-0.
  10. Not sure I agree. Being there only to represent the fans is fine when it was just one FSS rep and the rest of the BOD was made up of MSG appointees. (historical example, albeit in those days it was Bairnstrust rather than FSS). That's no longer the case. The fans ARE the board and the FSS is almost half of it. (or 2/5 to be precise) Every single board member bar one is a fan rep and should be taking the wishes of the fanbase into account when making decisions. Ironically, the only "independent" guy is the one who represents nobody but presumably has skills which are valued. I can think of a few people over the years who promoted themselves as "the voice of the fans". They criticised everything but offered nothing. We don't need those type of people now. We need ones with skills who're willing to roll their sleeves up for the betterment of the club. I have no idea what the board members do on a daily / weekly basis. Perhaps with the improvements that have been made in the running of the club, the 20+ hrs requirement could be reduced to 15 or 10. That might be a conversation worth having if it resulted in more people becoming involved.
  11. Really enjoyed last night. In the second half I was sitting in front of the Ayr fans under the main stand between the old and new dugouts. All they did was moan about their team and scream abuse at players and management. Meanwhile the Falkirk fans at the other end of the ground were signing their hearts out and loving every minute. "What are you effing passing it back for?" "Look at the amount of space that c*nts got to run at us". "Is there any chance one of you useless ****** ***** could put in a tackle?" The absolute highlight was one of the Ayr players running over to the dugout and yelling who the F his teammate was supposed to be marking. For the last six years I've been sitting in front of the Falkirk support hearing our fans scream the same things almost every week, Apart from the covid period, when I was reading them online after the match. Last night the boot was on the other foot. Long may it continue.
  12. Yes they were there and yes they'll produce highlights.
  13. I wasn't at the meeting as I was watching the U16s against Alloa and football always takes priority for me. However, my assumption is that the club will get the FSS money anyway, but by selling the small number of available shares elsewhere they bring in additional revenue that otherwise wouldn't have been available to them. Extra money which helped them sign a player this week. Is that assumption wrong? If not, then apart from the fact that it put some noses out of joint for a while, it would seem to be a prudent move.
  14. I doubt the savings from the wage of a modern apprentice would come close to being enough to sign a professional footballer. It's vaguely possible one of the current U18s might get an MA on the back of it, but none of them would displace Finn Yeats.
  15. Luke was in Madrid this weekend. It was a young girl, who like Luke is a media student and volunteers her services on a matchday. Saturday was the first time she's done it on her own.
  16. In the past you wouldn't have heard anything period until the lineups went out an hour before kickoff. Managers are usually pretty secretive about any injuries which affect their team selection. McGlynn seems to be very open in this regard, at least compared to some of his predecessors.
  17. Pretty much everyone leaves as soon as the interviews are done, including interviewers. At least at away games. I have no idea if our management remain at TFS well into a Saturday evening but I would doubt it. So if it's not done after the match the next chance would be Monday. Meanwhile fans are posting on social media throughout the weekend demanding to know the managers thoughts, and occasionally slaughtering the interviewer for asking soft questions. If press and TV get access immediately after a game, I don't think it's reasonable to ask club TV to wait two days.
  18. Out of interest, are you the guy who does the manager interviews? I partially overhead when Rice was being interviewed on a camera phone by someone in an Alloa tracksuit. I may have misheard, but it sounded like he was pretty annoyed at a question about formations and was having a go at the interviewer. I'm curious to watch the interview now and see what was actually said.
  19. I was standing nearby when the interview was done and there's nothing conclusive known either way. It could be bad, given that he went down without being in a challenge, but we need to wait and see. Having said that, I watched Calvin walk out of the ground afterwards and he didn't appear to be limping so it may be alright.
  20. Alright then, please generate me an AI image of a wasp being crushed under the wheels of a navy blue juggernaut.
  21. Is that likely to happen this season? I don't mind late kickoffs or midweek games but I have other things I want to do on a Sunday.
  22. In real life, everyone hates wasps. I imagine there are all sorts of memes, YT videos and tiktoks of wasps being crushed to give our twitter admin plenty of material to respond with should we win. Here's hoping....
  23. Bigger clubs like Morton and Cove? It's a bit early in the day to be pished mate.
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