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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. I think that date will be pretty close. The players return on the 20th and there are a few strip-related things scheduled for the end of that week. I imagine the club will publicise details around the time when the season tickets go on sale. The Neymar, bit, sadly......
  2. Either way it looks like I have a couple of days off to enjoy the good weather.
  3. I think you might just be wrong on that one.....
  4. Here's a slightly higher one then. He's a big lad.
  5. I have no relation to any of the players. I'm very passionate about my team, which is why I read & participate in all the forums and have done so since the first of them, One F, went online around 14 years ago. It doesn't take much browsing to identify folk that have an agenda. Normally it's relatives of the players, which admittedly you could still be. Some are fairly subtle but the majority are as clumsy as a bull in a china shop. You're obviously one of them. Someone who's rarely posted about our club and then jumps in with strong opinions about a single topic stand out a mile. Fans aren't stupid you know. They're quite capable of working out what they think of players and if someone with an agenda tries to manipulate that, they quickly get found out and are ridiculed. As some of the replies to your previous comments demonstrate. Mind you, if you're a fifer troll, as is also possible, then I suppose your clumsiness would be easily understandable.
  6. There's a boy on one of the facebook forums who's been slagging O Hara relentlessly for a couple of weeks now. It would probably break P&B forum rules for me to name him, but he won't be hard to spot. He comes up as being a student of Law & Politics at Edinburgh Uni. He looks about ten years old in his profile picture. I suspect that's ooor EdiBairn. Kev probably got a bird that he fancied or something equally trivial. I never understand folk who go online and OTT if someone upsets them. Why not just man up and speak to the person directly?
  7. It's honestly not something I know about, though if it were true that's hardly surprising. I don't imagine folk at the club would publicise their errors. However, as posts both here and on FB earlier this week prove, things do have a habit of leaking. You said to me a year or so back that certain directors "sing like canaries". I'm no longer as sceptical about that as I once was.
  8. As of last night the club didn't know what his decision would be. If today is the deadline then we may get an announcement this evening, but I suspect it's more likely to be next week before we know for certain.
  9. He is right. There is still time for Sibbs to decide to return, or I suppose for Hartley to decide to force him to. Though the latter is unlikely, at least judging from PH's comments last night. It was just a case of getting the news out quickly. The club rarely sit on things when it comes to signings.
  10. Aye, and if I mind right he scored the goal that clinched the league title. That was the only goal he ever got for Falkirk too. Bugger. Rugster beat me to it.
  11. I felt sorry for Kev when he got his eight game ban at the start of November. Sheps had just gone out on loan to Edinburgh, Rory hadn't started since the end of September and Hippo & Fash hadn't scored for a month & two months respectively. We were crying out for a goalscorer. That was his chance to get game time, impress the new manager and show what he could do. Instead he got an unjustified OTT ban and by the time he was able to play again the transfer window had opened and Nelson/Jakubiak had arrived.
  12. Yes, but you generally target only O'Hara. Most folk aim at Harris, which i don't think you do very often.
  13. Both O Hara and Shepherd (who I think Edi Bairns posts are championing) have quality. Shepherd's awards this season at Edinburgh City prove that. Both are pacey, have a bit of skill and can finish, at least when the pressure is off. (Both have missed glaring chances for the Falkirk first team, but have been prolific in spells when dropping back to U20s) . And I say that from the perspective of having seen 99% of their games in the navy blue, both at first team and U20 level. I would be surprised if they didn't manage to get careers in the game which follow a similar trajectory to Andy Rodgers; ie scoring goals at multiple clubs for a long time at lower levels. I'm not sure either have the step up in quality to be prolific at either Championship or higher level, though for obvious reasons I would be delighted if either could prove me wrong. It seems both will be FFC players next season so they will have a chance to do so.
  14. Do you think you'll ever manage to make a post without getting a dig in about O Hara?
  15. Were the other players all told to stay away as well?
  16. If all the players who knew they were being released had turned up - and Taiwo didn't - then you would be justified in saying he took the "cream puff". As most were absent, bar those who were needed to play, then your claim is questionable. He's not behaving any differently from his colleagues.
  17. There were quite a few players missing who would normally be there on a matchday. I think it's reasonable to assume they all had permission, given that they were leaving and the game was a dead rubber. Particularly as they went round the club shaking hands and saying their goodbyes on Friday. Non-story IMO.
  18. I don't think I'm giving away any secrets by saying that he'll be there. I spoke briefly to him after the game on Saturday and his parting words were "see you next season". I think you can safely assume that anyone we have options on will be returning, as none of those players were on the released list yesterday. I suspect that we want everyone else who's out of contract and wasn't on that list, but they may choose go elsewhere, as Bairdy did last summer. Time will tell.
  19. Except that won't be happening. The fans facebook pages at the end of last week contained multiple posts from folk who know the players. Those posts confirmed that the players had already been told whether they're being offered a new contract or not.
  20. They may be contracted - and paid - to the end of the playoffs but if they've been told they're not getting extensions there's nothing to stop that list being announced ASAP.
  21. I thought it was a bit strange at first, but when you think about it the decision makes sense. The last game is a dead rubber, in that it will have no effect on our league placings. Letting the players know beforehand means that those who're being released only need to come in tomorrow and that's them finished. They don't have to return on Monday to be told that their contract won't be renewed. It's safe to assume those contracts expire after the end of the playoffs so it gives them a couple of extra days paid holiday. And as one of them said yesterday, it gives tomorrow an extra bite, knowing that if he's selected he may be playing to impress a potential next employer. The released list might not go public for another couple of days but you can be sure their agents are aware and folk will be watching them.
  22. Just seen a Facebook poll by Edinburgh City for their player of the year; Scott Shepherd is getting a lot of votes from their fans. I heard from one of our players recently that he's doing really well there. He still has another year on his Falkirk contract so will be interesting to see what happens with him next season.
  23. Nope. If I were in the huff I wouldn't be posting. Silly fifer.
  24. You probably saw him when your defenders were allowed to play wrestling matches with him. He's not the biggest player around, so when defenders are permitted to enfold him in bear hugs he's never going to look good. His close control, finishing and knack for being in the right place at the right time are why we rate him. I don't know where his career will ultimately take him but it'll be at a much higher level than the Scottish Championship.
  25. Must admit that I think this part time stuff is a load of keich, regardless of which set of fans spout it. Most of us Falkirk fans think Jakubiak is a cracking player. I doubt that any of us care that of his seven goals, five were scored against part time sides. (2 Brechin, 2 Cove, 1 Dumbarton) The other 2 were against Morton and Livvy.
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