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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. Not always. Kenny Deuchar and Jordan White were prolific at a lower level. They were honking for us. You could arguably make a similar case about Nathan Austin too.
  2. I'm speculating here, but I suspect the CEO didn't consider the implications for the manager before including that line. If PH was annoyed, then words will have been said privately and it won't happen again. I can think of a few instances over the years where our managers have been irked by public statements made by board members or other staff.
  3. Having looked at the map, it could well have been. It was somewhere in the vicinity of Wallace Street anyway. I think the flat owner was one of the Steels.
  4. Absolutely this. I think I was one of the punters in that house. I should have been sacked the next day, because I remember staggering out at something like 4am and being in work at seven. My then employer had a very strict alcohol policy and I was still pished. God knows how I got away with it. That night will only ever be bettered if we actually win the Scottish Cup.
  5. Given that the recruitment guru is based in England and that five of the six January signings came from there, I imagine we won't have heard of most of the incoming players. I suspect they'll be young players with potential who didn't quite make it at their previous clubs. When you consider that Leahy, Vaulks, Taylor, Jakubiak fell into this category I'm quite happy with that. So the likelihood is that we'll have no idea if the signing are decent until the season is well underway. Mind you, that won't stop the moaners browsing a Wycombe Wanderers fans forum and then coming back to tell us the new signing we've just announced is pish. As happened with the Yak. My money would be on Shodwell to make the first such post.
  6. Last year must have been a hard sell for season tickets, with only three new signings, one of whom was a goalkeeper and the other was Alex Harris. I would have thought that if we make the rumoured dozen plus new signings it will be much easier to shift tickets. The current crap season won't matter so much because most of the players who contributed to it would be gone by the time the tickets go on sale.
  7. I think the change of manager and possibility of relegation have also had an effect. Houston often extended contracts well before they were up, for example Baird getting an extension one January. Our perilous league position (for a while) would have prevented us doing that this season.
  8. Sometimes players or their agents don't want medical information disclosed. I think they believe it could affect future employment prospects. I don't know if that's a valid concern, or whether it applies in this case, but I can think of a fair number of injuries which were never reported on club media channels. Medical information is generally kept confidential and anything that is given out tends to be pretty vague.
  9. McKee hasn't started a game since we played Dumbarton in February. Harris hasn't started a game since we played Dundee Utd in November. Neither have been mentioned in the frequent "can you give us an injury update?" questions asked on Falkirk TV. It therefore seems reasonable to speculate that neither are wanted and will not be playing next season if we bring in replacements during the summer. You could probably apply the same reasoning to Rory Loy, who hasn't started since Brechin in February. If that's true, they can either sit out the final year of their contracts with a guaranteed wage but with no chance of game time, or choose to cut their losses and try to find another club. If it were me than I know which option I would choose.
  10. I think that's always the case, or at least it has been in the last couple of years while I've been more closely involved at the club. They play their final match and then meet the manager early the following week to be told if they're wanted or not. That's the certainly the case this year. I spoke to one of them after the game last night and he has no idea what's happening, despite the fact that he's probably one of the ones that most folk would want to keep. As for your other point, it seems that the club have always allowed the manager to run the playing squad as he sees fit. Not having relegation clauses, and in some cases, having players who increased their wages after relegation because they passed a threshold would be a good example of this. I have no idea whether that sort of board oversight is common at other clubs or not. It may even be that our way of doing things is the norm, unless you're working for Vladimir Romanov.
  11. McKee was two years, as was Blues who you missed off your list. And quite a few of the youths. Whereas O Hara's contract will be up in the summer.
  12. Both results you mention would shorten the odds of Dumbarton overhauling us, but it'd still be very unlikely. Given the performances of both teams since January I don't consider it realistic that they'll win 3 out of 4 and we'll lose all of ours. If you genuinely think that's being realistic, go and put a bet on at the bookies.
  13. I wish people would stop spouting this nonsense. Look at the league table. Even if we lost all four of our remaining matches, Dumbarton need to win three of their four to overhaul us. The chances of both happening are on a par with Rangers fans admitting that their club died and that newco have never won a major trophy.
  14. Hope hes learning the RWB position He was playing LWB, believe it or not. Conor Langton was RWB. Both are wingers, but with no FVFA players to call up any more and a first team game tomorrow the U20s are a wee bit light at the moment. We only had three subs whereas Hibs had the full seven.
  15. No, he's still with the club and was playing with the U20s tonight.
  16. Canny mind any goals from overhead kicks, but here's big Aero demonstrating the technique last night. Albeit the ball subsequently went straight up rather than back the way.
  17. No offence Shodwall, but you're making numerous predictions as statements of fact which err, aren't factual. All the boys who came in from FVFA last year got two year deals, as did the likes of Aidan Laverty, Robbie Mutch & Harry Girdwood. Are we just going to rip all those contracts up? The players (contracted & otherwise) don't know what's happening in the summer, or at least the ones I've spoken to don't. And yet you know better than them? Hmmn.
  18. A look at the kit sponsorship page of the programme on Saturday shows that we currently have 36 players. There's a lot of room for trimming the squad and still running a reserve side. Remember we had reserve teams in the old day at Brockville when squad sizes were much smaller than they are now.
  19. Given the amount of players who're out of contract, I think signings are a given. And certainly more than last season. I imagine most of the players will come from England so if no-one knows who they are you won't get the same sort of negativity as happened with the signing of Harris and the rumoured pursuit of Stanton. The fact that Hartley seems to have an eye for a player will help too. So far he hasn't signed anyone who can definitely be confirmed as a dud, even if a couple haven't yet had much game time.
  20. Various papers with the phrase " Project Premiership" have been seen around the club recently. Though whether that's an internal strategy aimed at giving the giving the manager as much support as possible, or a future marketing slogan, I have no idea. I think I saw flyers about it on a hospitality table the other week too. I'm old enough to still have nightmares about Argentina 78 so I tend to agree with Duncan's point about not shouting out to the world about what we're going to do. Unfortunately that's not how marketing works and it certainly wouldn't sell tickets.
  21. From information published on the website at the time they signed / extended, David Mitchell, Cameron Blues, Scott Shepherd & Robbie Mutch are all here next year. I believe the same applies to the six lads who signed from FVFA last summer, plus Harry Girdwood. Connor McBride decided to leave so we're left with seven youths (JJ, MM, KS, CD, KM, RM, HG), two former youths who're now overage (CB & SS) and four who were signed to play in the first team. (AH, RL, JM, DM). As we're not part of Project Brave we won't have a youth team so it'll be interesting to see what happens with these lads. Or whether we offer contracts to any of the current youth players who're due to leave.
  22. I'm probably getting sucked in here, but I'll bite anyway. Is "Jap" a clear racist term? I have no idea. I don't know any Japanese people to ask if it would offend them. I might even use the term myself, in a text message for quickness, and if I did so I wouldn't have any racist motives. It would simply be a description of a group of people. Some "descriptive" words are well-known to be unacceptable nowadays, such as nigger and paki. Probably chinki too. Fair enough. Personally, I was unaware that Jap was on that list. What about Yank, Aussie, Taffy & Jock? Weegie, Fifer & Bairn? Ginger, bald & skinny? As the sensible posters above have pointed out, it's all about context. I saw nothing in the original post to imply malice so yes, you were trolling. It's a shame if you've caused Shadwell to leave. As I'd have loved to have seen his reaction after Alex Harris scored a hat-trick against you in early April.
  23. I saw a couple of the posts. On one he referred to "Japs" instead of Japanese, I think in comparing our old checkerboard strip to a picture of a Japanese fashion launch where the models wore something remarkably similar to that old top. A fifer troll - possibly Jimmy - pulled him up for it. He responded by stating (paraphrasing here) that it was an abbreviation such as "Scot" instead of "Scotsman". The fifer then asked if that meant "Paki" was an acceptable abbreviation for "Pakistani". (again I'm paraphrasing). No idea what was said after that.
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