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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. I believe both resigned from their positions on the exposure of their affairs.  Vaz should have been booted but he wasn't.
    How is that any different than what happens with MPs from other parties? There was a huge sex scandal in 2016 with many prominent Conservatives named. How many were de-selected for the 2017 election? How are the Tories being held to account more than Labour on sex scandals?

    I honestly don’t know, but there’s enough on both sides of the house, who aren’t in a position to moralise over their electorate. I can’t fuckin stand the lot of em! All lying b*****ds with their noses in the trough!

    I don’t know how you can say it’s bowling it’s a very inoffensive beer. Can understand why you can say it’s bland/flat but it’s not disgusting in any way. I much prefer cans of it to bottles.


    That’s exactly what it is Throbber, inoffensive!! Along with insipid, bland an uninspiring. It’s why they spend such a fortune on advertising it.

    It’s such a hard sell to shift their nondescript swill, and kid people on that they’re having a great time!

    Their Ads are homogeneous with their beer in fact. Both Pish.

  3. Disappointing to see her getting some abuse in it, I thought she was particularly eloquent and despite rejecting the rabid far right nature of the Tory party she still got abuse from some dick with an ANL profile picture, don’t these folks realise that the only way we’re gonna win is to win over people like Ashley?

    “some dick with an Anti Nazi League profile’ you say!!? Hmmmm?[emoji848]
  4. What happens to people who voted that #indyref2 will happen before 2020?
    Do they get, at minimum, a tag on their profiles?

    In Nov 2014, accepted a sizeable bet from a pal, that Indy Ref2 (and a Yes vote) wouldn’t happen before the end of 2019. Finely in the balance I guess, but agreed to the wager well before this Brexit shitstorm.
  5. And just for completeness what are some notable Labour Sex Scandals?


    John Prescott, Keith Vaz?


    ETA, particularly Keith Fuckin Vaz, a smug sanctimonious, holier than thou hypocrite, the very worst sort of duplicitous politician (irrespective of their colours). “ Do as I preach to you, not as I behave myself”

  6. LinkedIn is the worst parts of social media all rolled in to one. Bullshitters, braggers and boring b*****ds everywhere. It’s a cesspit of people trying to impress with corporate jargon and utter lies. Anyone that posts on it that isn’t a recruiter or actively looking for a job should be ignored and avoided at all costs. These are the worst people on the planet, such as this example:


    Complete and utter worstcunts. I fucking despise it.

    That’s perhaps the most cuntyish, cunting, cunty, boak shite that I’ve ever read, what a c**t.
  7.  The Brexit vote, Yarls Wood, the nativist policy of the Conservative Party and deportation of minorities regardless of their immigration status kinda highlights how meaningless the far right’s lack of direct electoral success is in assessing its impact on society.


    It’s like people “owning” Nigel Farage by pointing out how he keeps losing elections for Westminster when he’s succeeded in the main goal of his party. He’s won. Everyone’s dancing to his tune.




    Just out of interest;

     Total number of Individuals leaving ‘the detention estate’, just over 28,000 (which includes voluntary repatriations) under the auspices of the Immigration Act. It also includes over 12,000 enforced returns including almost 6,000 deported as Foreign National Offenders. 67% of NFO’s were EU Nationals.

    (Home Office figures 2017)


  8. The BNP haven’t managed to secure one single Westminster MP since its formation or the National Front before it. The handful of council & European seats they have managed to win in that period have been short lived tenures on realisation of their total ineffectuality in serving ‘their communities’.
    Compared with the far right in a number of neighbouring European countries their futile standing across the UK Electorate remains completely insignificant.
    Feel certain that the Griffins appearance and performance on QT received FAR more ridicule and derision that it gained in genuine and influential support.

  9. I presume that question was coherent in your mind but I have no idea what you are talking about.

    You don’t see that Corbyn has made a lifelong career of finger pointing at his opponents prejudices whilst being completely comfortable with his own?
  10. It's difficult to effectively smear someone with accusations of racism in a racist society.

    Isn’t that the exact mirror of the current Labour Leadership under Jeremy Corbyn, and perhaps why the media are making such a fuss about it?
  11. https://money.cnn.com/2018/08/01/news/sanofi-uk-brexit-stockpile/index.html
    Sanofi and Novartis are stockpiling drugs to prepare for Brexit
    Medicine is being stockpiled in the United Kingdom in preparation for a messy Brexit.
    This is all perfectly normal.

    The EMA upped sticks and left the UK back in Autumn last year. They knew this shit storm was coming.
    This went by, quietly under the radar without even a whisper from Jeremy Hunt, the then Health Secretary, never mind a contingency plan on how it’s regulatory framework would be replaced.
  12. Griffin never recovered from his embarrassing exposure on QT where his ‘logic and reasoning’ were hopelessly destroyed.

    Wheel them out into the open spotlight and under fair scrutiny and pressure in order that their views can be summarily dismissed. Unable to hide, it is their worst nightmare.

    The noisy screams of protest and claims of ‘unwarranted publicity’ and a ‘platform for extremists’ would be a price worth paying in the long run.


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