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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Where is the evidence of this? A straw poll at your Orange Lodge meeting doesn’t count.

    As for not being able to manage the powers they already have, that didn’t stop the English voting for their parliament to gain more.

    Aye..Give Em Enough Rope eh...?


    (The Clash 1978)





    ETA, I’m not sure what the OO has to do with the SNP’s miserable performance and management of devolved powers, but I guess it’s to be expected that you would resort to throwing it in anyway.

  2. Wes has properly lost his shit.  It's great when the bigots panic.

    There’s no panic Pep, the SNP will see out their current term, whilst continuing to show they can’t manage the powers they already have. If you think that gives them a stronger hand to play for a 2nd vote, then I’m fine with that, no problem.
  3. That's either base-level trolling or confirmation that you are truly the thick, servile *** we all suspected.

    You're not smart enough for the former tbh.

    I might disagree with many on these pages, but most provide thoughtful, reasoned and intelligent considerations that make for a worthwhile read.
    You ain’t one of em Jupe, sorry pal.
  4. The question was, as usual, based on your own desperate desire for the SNP to disappear and for us all to return to being Cafflick-hating, flute-playing, Queen-loving, Union Jack-waving little Britons. That may be your fantasy, but it doesn’t seem to be being borne out in the real world.
    Your glorious English superior Theresa May is widely seen as a robot, lacking authority, on the losing side of Brexit, and pushed around by the extreme lunatic fringe of her cabinet. Attempting to defend her (must defend mummy, what? That’s what a good Englishman would do!) is laudable if pretty laughable. Meanwhile, the “No Surrender” party in Scotland continues to show no sign of bursting into power. 

    Hahaha, almost laughable, that’s some thrashing around there. Still doesn’t answer the question though.
    Despite the British government’s current woes, the thirst for a 2nd Ref in Scotland is on the wane. It speaks volumes with regards to the lack of confidence that most of us have in the current stewardship at Holyrood doesn’t it?
    Your right though on one thing though, ya cannae whack a good flute band! [emoji6]
  5. A bit odd coming from someone who worships at the altar of Colonel Cosplay and her mechanical puppetmaster, the Maybot.
    Or is their incompetence irrelevant as long as they stand against your nation’s sovereignty and statehood, cater to your virulent nationalistic Little Britonism,  and therefore earn your vote?

    Doesn’t really answer the question though does it?
    Seems despite considerable distraction TM seems to be quietly but doggedly getting to grips with current priorities. Nippy’s exasperated and floundering, it’s clear to even the most neutral observers.
  6. Lol trying too hard Wes

    Aw C’mon Pep, surely even you can see the game is up for wee Nippy?
    She’s a capable operator no doubt, but she’s surrounded by chronic levels of incompetence within her own ranks. How long can she continue to sit at the table without a knife and fork!?
  7. RagingRob :lol: Imagine the union being more important than the well being of your loved ones.

    I recall raging that five years would be plenty for the pathetic and useless SNP Government to make such a f*ckin mess of the devolved powers they already have at their disposal, to kick Independence into the long grass for the foreseeable future, not that their failures are anything to celebrate mind.
  8. Good morning gentlemen, it’s been a wee while. In answer to the original post, the appetite for a second Ref appears to be withering. Are we now looking at beyond 2024 and enough time to reassess our position post the Brexit transition period? Maybe Nicola’s replacement will provide a new, fresh and inventive approach to Independence and a much needed impetus to the movement. Is it too early for Mhairi Black to step up?

  9. "Seperatism"
    Who are the folk who are seperating Scots and Scotland from the EU and the wider world?
    Time for a think

    Aye right mate, a separatist movement who have ALWAYS been solid supporters of the EU eh?
  10. Red Haun Rob, the only right wing Tory pro remainer, cause Willie o Orange was a European.

    Again, the majority of us opted to remain both within the Union and the EU, your tired jibes are pointless.
  11. Sorry Rob but in 2014 we all had a chance to stay in Europe and get awa fi these bigoted f@ckers. Too many auld duds and "the staunch" prevented it.

    So how do you dispense with the majority of the electorate in the meantime, just continue to insult them and hope they die off?
  12. Yeah, I got that. Sad though.

    Nothing sad about Sturgeon putting separatism aside for a change, and commenting openly and honestly on the impact of Brexit UK wide, particularly with regards to the customs union. The mistrust between the UK Gov and the SNP at WM doesn’t benefit any of us, as it is predicated on a completely different and divisive agenda.
    It might be a completely impossible view, but Wee Nic represents exactly the sort of rational intelligence that May needs right now on leaving the EU.
    Her present team are hopelessly lost, Sturgeon could be a valuable critical friend on immediate and forthcoming negotiations. A 2nd Ref in Scotland can wait until this mess is sorted out.
  13. This can't be true. We're forever being told egg chase fans are far superior to the their football counterparts.

    Don’t think they’re ‘Rugby Fans’ just fuckin arseholes! Would have served em right if Jones had turned round and decked one of the wee shitebags.
  14. Title race :lol:

    There is no race, C*ltic will still canter to the title, but the Gers are looking somewhere near a decent side again. It’s not something that our friends from the East End have even remotely considered for some time now.
    The pretence that Aberdeen were ever seriously going to challenge them is over. They know where their most likely and deepening threat to their uncontested Crown is likely to come from.[emoji6][emoji106]
  15. So that's us 6 points off The Dross and three points ahead of Dolly and we're the form team in the league:
    What's the consensus?  A win for The Sheep or a draw?

    Hopeful of Aberdeen getting at least something, but they won’t.
    They’ll flatter to deceive for a wee while, might even nick a goal, but C*ltic will ride out comfortable winners with a couple of later goals.
    I’ll go 1-3
  16. Went to supplier meeting last week, the contact had a small ‘meeting area’ in her office where she was already settled upon my arrival, slurping a lemsip her papers surrounded by snot filled tissues on the table. She then offers to shake my hand. Fuckin boggin! If your so full of phlegm, bouts of coughing and sneezing, just stay at home!!

  17. I fucking hate this fat, inarticulate, English c**t. The idea that he gets paid to express a totally underinformed opinion on football just because he was once a very good cricket player is legitimately everything that's wrong with sports journalism in this country.

    Anyone who can manage to sit through Talkpish ‘Drivetime’ listening to that fat wee w**k and his sidekick snipe Adrian Durham deserves a fuckin medal.
  18. Aye, but she's talking about the collapse last January, not the current impasse, and blaming it (last January's collapse) on the RHI scandal. And, by inference, you know who...

    You know the script better than most on here JG when it comes to the shenanigans on the Hill, but wasn’t the RHI scheme endorsed and given the go ahead by the whole Assembly, including SF?
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