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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. I'd also note that recorded crime (in Scotland) is at its lowest level since 1974, so it's not that the police aren't catching the reoffenders either. 

    My apologies, I didn’t realise that the original post and subsequent discussion on this thread was confined to Scotland.
  2. Reoffending rates have been on a steadily downward trend for the last 20 years. In future, performing a simple Google search before posting will aid you, if your goal is to avoid looking like a fud.

    Read the Bromley Briefings for 2017 (Prison Reform Trust) and the section Rehabilitation & Resettlement (Reoffending)?
    It was brought to my attention at a seminar down in London last year. It paints a different picture.

    (It’s a discussion board btw my friend, there’s no need to hurl insults should you disagree. I know it’s the norm on P&B, but it doesn’t add much to open debate.)
  3. Studies have shown that conditions like you suggest essentially work against rehabilitation. Either prisons are set up to punish (and therefore require longer sentences, potentially indefinite even for less serious crimes as changes of re-offending increase) or to rehabilitate. Can't have both.

    You can’t punish whilst working a plan of rehabilitation? Hmmm
    Perhaps that’s why the current system is so ineffective when it comes to re-offending rates which have gone through the roof over the last 20 years. Have we lost any notion whatsoever that a possible prison sentence should serve as a deterrent?
  4. Completely against the death penalty, but for crimes of heinous and deliberate cruelty (that attract a life sentence on conviction) I would make incarceration as miserable as possible, with meagre comfort, provisions and ‘privileges’.
    If an offender was determined to repent and pay their penance they would see it through. We can then (and only then) talk about the possibilities of rehabilitation.

  5. Is it just me or did Rangers fans not hate Cummings?

    I certainly hated how he always seemed to turn it on against us, but could look anonymous against other sides when he was with Hibs!?
    Looking forward to seeing what he can do in our colours over the next few months.

    Just to add, glad that the Greg Docherty speculation seems to have quietened down. Was becoming increasingly concerned as to the welfare of ‘not so happyaccie’.... he was about to fuckin explode!!!
    Rarely has the spew and bile on here been so bitter, and that’s saying something.
  6. Not what the polls say Wes.  My sentiments exactly, bring it on.
    Strangely the unionist politicians don't seem to share your confidence, the reason they're desperate to prevent indyref2 is they think they might lose it.  I do too.  Tick tock.

    The Irish News (traditionally a ‘Nationalist Light’ publication) reported in their October poll last year that support for unification in Northern Ireland was at 33%.
    I don’t think Ruthie & Co actually fear a 2nd Ref in Scotland, it’s more of an annoying itch. An irritant distraction, given the current political situation across the whole of the UK particularly with regards to Brexit. Just an opinion Pep.
  7. It's pretty much 50-50 in both cases now Wes.  You must be shitting your wee butcher's apron pants.

    I’ll go with the majority Pep, though I suspect the gap is much wider in Northern Ireland than you think, (against unification with the Republic).
    In Scotland, yep it could be close, but Id still be confident of the same return if we went to the polls again tomorrow. All to play for, bring it on.
  8. What percentage of the population of your beloved n Ireland you think are racists Wes?  I would eager more than any other country in the western world.
    Though obviously n Ireland isn't a real country, it's an occupied bit of Ireland.

    Not sure how or why that’s relevant Pep, but as it stands the majority of people in Northern Ireland (and Scotland) wish to remain as part of the UK.
    Pretty sure there was a mix of views on the EU from people of all political persuasions from Leith to Londonderry, Paisley to Portadown. You can’t simply label them as racists because their views differ to yours, in order to place them in your neat little pigeon holes.
    I’m sure that you have a bit more nous than that, yet you always seem determined to prove me wrong.
  9. Hi Wes
    surprised to see you desperate to criticize Scots.  Not.
    what we do know is most of them are sevco fans.

    My apologies, it was tongue in cheek intended.
    It’s your own sweeping generalisation and criticism of over a million Scots that seems pretty desperate Pep. Nothing changes eh? but I’ll give you 10 for consistency.
  10. It was the only decent thing to do. In all honesty Michelle O'Neill has come out of this as bad as anyone, she basically put him on paid leave for 3 months as a "punishment" , .There goes the respect for all rhetoric the Shinners spurt out every 5 minutes.



    Transparently a cynical ploy to let things settle down. A three month ‘holiday’ when he should have been dismissed immediately irrespective of which political party he represents.

    O’Neill had the opportunity here to show her true commitment to integrity, equality and respect, (her own mantra btw). As usual, just empty words.





    ETA, also just seen that he’s resigned. The right decision, whether an individual choice or encouraged by his colleagues.

  11. So Nicola ponders that Oct this year is the time renew the process of setting a date for a 2nd Ref? Even with the clusterf*ck that is Brexit at her disposal it is clear that a groundswell of opinion has yet to emerge to give her a confident and solid assurance that YES will prevail this time.
    She”s a tough gig right enough, juggling the balance between appeasing the more radical within the separatist movement and convincing the undecided that the time is right, whilst the Scottish Government becomes increasingly exposed in its ability to handle complete autonomy. A view perhaps borne out in the results of the last GE in Scotland.
    The noise for a 2nd Ref even on P&B has seen a noticeable decline over the past 12 months.
    Would the UK Government grant another Ref before the final Brexit Deal is decided upon and implemented. If so. does it confuse the issue for Scottish voters even further, being unsure of how the future will look as part of the UK and the EU (or not).
    A fascinating game on the table, when does she go ‘all in’ !?

  12. Jason Cummings incoming.

    Hibs fans on P&B  wondering if he'll celebrate when we batter them in early Feb.  Hope he does.


    Cummings is an interesting one, if a loan deal is completed.

    Always a handful against us, will look forward to seeing what he brings to our line up. One of those players who irked you in the opposition ranks but quietly knew he’d be popular playing in your own colours.

    Encouraging stuff Kinc! [emoji846]

  13. I' can't be bothered listing everything we did. But there was all sorts of fundraising to keep us afloat while Budge and Jackson fought through administration.  FOH pledges too.

    Credit where it’s due to Ann Budge and her team, in securing a CVA to exit Administration through the approval of the club’s creditors.
    Rangers weren’t afforded that opportunity through HMRC, a deciding factor in the end game.
    Again, not sure what the fans could have realistically done about that.
    Ann Budge and her board were clearly trusted by the fans to properly appropriate any funds raised by the supporters.
    Could the same be said about those in control of the club at Ibrox over the period leading up to the winding up order? Absolutely not.

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