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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. I'm not going to take the word of governing bodies who are either 1) corrupt in the case of the international bodies or 2) totally incompetent in the case of our own.
    That you're scrambling to that shows how desperate you are for some sort of validation.

    Like it or not, it’s their judgement that matters on the use of EBT’s (widespread use I might add). Your ‘take’ on it is unimportant and irrelevant unfortunately my friend. It isn’t going to change.

    In the meantime, I’m afraid you will have to settle for a hearty repast of your own spiteful loathing to feed your bitter appetite. It’s up to you to decide when you are full. No one else really cares.
    Scrambling and desperate? Hmmm
  2. Who said I read through 50 pages? Took 2 mins to find.


    It stopped being about fitba when your old club were found to have cheated for yrs and yrs. Now I just enjoy laughing at the new mob.

    Yet the governing bodies of the game, just don’t agree with you.

    Is that what continues to eat away at you DB, despite the laughs you enjoy at the ‘new mob’.

    Surely you must have more interesting quandaries to ponder over than this continual round of sniping, it can’t be healthy?


    How about Saints Vs New England as Super Bowl finalists, 11/2 looks pretty tasty no? [emoji846]

  3. We are undeniably in the mix though?

    This is why fans of so called diddy clubs have a issue with fans of your irrelevant club, it is just a joy to witness how delusional sevconians can be.


    The Title is pretty much done and dusted, I don’t think I contested that.

    But sitting in 3rd, three points behind 2nd and five clear of 3rd, I reckon that puts us ‘in the mix’ despite the shortcomings, signings and subsequent departure of our previous manager. Not sure what’s so delusional about that? It’s a fact.

    Can we improve upon a 9 point deficit to Aberdeen this season, yes of course.

    You seem to post an awful lot on a club that holds such little relevance to you btw. [emoji849]

  4. I'm not so certain that an utterly catastrophic insolvency event is imminent, but I do believe it's inevitable. DK himself played up to the gallery by stating that the business plan every year has to be to compete with Celtic - the huge issue with that for Rangers* being, of course, that Celtic have access to the CL group stages which, along with huge revenue streams, also comes with intangible benefits (more attractive to prospective transfer targets for a start, and it also raises the perceived value of the Celtic squad).
    The only way that Rangers* can be sustainable (short of someone stumping up a huge amount of cash in the short term, which isn't even guaranteed to oust Celtic for 1 season let alone on a regular basis, so would be incredibly risky) is for Scotland to have 2 CL spots again, or for Rangers* to accept that they quite literally cannot afford to compete with Celtic anymore and cut their cloth accordingly. There's still a chance that Rangers* could Do a Leicester and put together a season that wins them the league and its very likely they'll be able to put together sides that can win the League and/or Scottish Cup, but structurally it's nigh on impossible to see how they can meet supporter expectations on a regular basis.

    Most of our fans have had enough knocks recently to be acutely aware of where our realistic expectations should be on the Park at present. Yes it’s incredibly frustrating that we can win at Pittodrie, Tynecastle and Easter Road but lose to Saints, Dundee, Hamilton & Killie all within a few weeks, but it’s where we are as a team, still feeling our way so to speak, and with a new Manager at the helm.
    We certainly don’t have the financial clout to compete with our neighbours over in the East of the City, again that’s clearly recognised by the vast majority of our support.
    We are undeniably in the mix once more though, perhaps that’s why our detractors have stirred again. Forums full of endless comment and speculation on everything from loan deals to share offers.
    I suppose it’s not so surprising that this diatribe still cuts through the tedium on here, given the continued frenzied obsession with Glasgow Rangers, puzzling as though it may be to most of us.
    It is interesting to note however that supporters of other clubs appear to have a better insight into the expectations of our own fans than the Rangers support themselves!!? Baffling.

  5. You don’t think the whole Murphy thing is very dodgy Rab?

    Who REALLY knows (without press speculation and guesswork) exactly what discussions/arrangements have taken place between the two clubs? Chris Houghton’s comments on the deal seemed fairly straightforward and didn’t hint at any complications?
    Transfer/loan deals chop and change frequently, suspicion is aroused and sensitised in this case simply because the financing of this transfer involves us. It comes with the territory at present unfortunately.
    Look how the rumour mill revs up into a frenzy on P&B alone.

    I honestly haven’t had any recent conversations with any fellow Rangers fans about the possibility of the Club going into Administration again, but if it keeps the Natives excited then fair enough Lichtie.
    The story may well appear on the back page of the Record tomorrow, but that should give you some idea of its credibility I suppose.
  6. Well, yeah. They're happy for him to go on loan because as it stands Murphy's still their player and will be unless the terms of the transfer are met. There's no risk for Brighton in this scenario, which is presumably why they're alright with it. If Rangers don't have the cash or can't pay then he stays down at the AMEX.

    You're right, it's not that unusual a circumstance. Teams take players on loan with an option to buy all the time, what's odd about this is the Rangers position which seems to be: "we were prepared to buy him now but Brighton "preferred" to loan him". Going by the statement there's a fee agreed and Rangers are the buyer, the player wanted to sign, Rangers wanted to sign him permanently in this window but it wouldn't fly for Brighton.

    It would be a legitimate question for Rangers fans to be asking "why?" IMO.

    If it's the case that Rangers want to allocate their budget to recruit other players and it means they can't meet the terms to bring him in permanently fine and understandable given the club needed £4m in loans to keep the lights on but issuing a PR with this as one of the opening paragraphs; "Rangers were willing to sign the former Motherwell player on a long-term deal during the January window but Brighton prefer to wait until the end of the season before making the switch permanent." just invites awkward questions tbh.

    It's also a very public reminder that it seems clubs aren't prepared to be mugged off by Rangers low-ball bids and offers on tick these days. OK it may be a slow news day but the fact there was a story doing the rounds in the paper that Brighton stalled the deal on account of credit checking Rangers should be an absolute minter for them.


    Seems a fair take on things I guess.

    There’s also the possibility that Houghton simply doesn’t want to lose a useful addition to his squad despite not being able to offer Murphy a regular starting slot. Let’s him go out on loan and wishes him well. There’s the chance that he may return to Sussex, much depends on how their season ends I suppose. They have a tidy player who’s getting a regular competitive game still on their books.

    If he does well with us however, we offer him a permanent contract and pay Brighton the pre-agreed full fee. They’ve had sufficient notice to replace a decent squad member, everyone’s happy.


    I think you’re right, given the financial problems we have encountered over the last few years, it’s understandable that a selling club would want to carefully examine any transfer dealings with our Board. It’s not a secret.

    Most of us are past caring how things are ‘worded’ in a press release though, we’ve been asked to swallow enough PR bullshit to last a lifetime.

    If this arrangement is what it takes to get the lad on the park with us, playing in the light blue, then I’m happy.

    Hopefully Murty gets the best out of him and he signs in the Summer. If not he returns South.

    Surely that’s a better deal for us than some of the player contracts we’ve signed over the past 12 months or so, that haven’t worked out and which the new Manager is now saddled with.

  7. Apart from the Brighton refusing to sell unless they see the money!...yes all parties are OK

    But they’re happy for him to go on loan until the end of the season pending a permanent deal and transfer?
    Is this such an unusual arrangement between two football clubs?
    I wouldn’t have thought so.
    It’s perhaps a story on a quiet day for the tired Daily Record/SM and their (Ibrox obsessed) dwindling readership but that’s about it.
  8. Murphy on loan until the end of the season when a "guaranteed fixed amount" will be paid to make permanent the move.


    Also known as not having the money right now and having offered magic beans initially to Brighton are now gambling next season's season ticket money again.



    All parties concerned seem Ok with the outcome, including the player, what’s the problem?


    Apologies for going O/T, but at the Rugby yesterday, so missed much of the football round up.. Have I really just read in the paper that The Arabs were pumped 1-6 at home yesterday by Falkirk!!?[emoji47]





  9. Unilever is closing the Colman's plant in Norwich to move production to Germany.
    Apparently they are also changing the name to Kohlmann's.

    Slightly misleading, the Norfolk site is closing largely due to the fact that Britvic, who share the site are relocating elsewhere (more centrally) within the UK, leaving Unilever with a much higher £cost base for their Coleman’s brand.
    They have announced that they will aim to retain as many Sauce production jobs in the UK (Burton) as they can, including the the manufacture of mustard products at a new location in Norwich.
    There hasn’t been any mention by Britvic or Unilever that this decision has been driven or influenced by the current Brexit situation.

    How about just respecting the result of a referendum


    I’m fine with respecting the result, I still don’t believe that anyone from either side could have predicted what a complicated mess the decision was going to produce however.

    As the clock ticks away, negotiations will become more and more time sensitive and rushed (they always are in the end game), the concessions we will inevitably make will leave no-one in the UK satisfied.

    A 2nd Ref on the final deal seems sensible to me, if we reject it then I guess we’ll have to find a third way, meaning we revoke the Article 50 ‘trigger’, If indeed that’s possible? Uncharted waters yes, but surely not as dangerous as blindly diving over the precipice?


    McGrory absolutely demolished there, responding like Harry Enfield’s ‘Teenage Kevin’ character.
    It isn’t any wonder that many ‘leavers’ are still unconvinced on a re-think of the Vote when you’ve got people like this leading the line?
    Dismissive, intolerant, irritable and petulant.
    He’s equally as bad as anyone the Brexit Camp could stump up.
    They think it’s all about spin positioning or how to frame the argument to convince, frustrate or confuse voters! How about just trying to tell the truth (as best you can) with the available facts for a change. That would be novel.
  12. Jo Swinson getting a CBE is probably even worse. Well done voters of Bearsden...

    Some stretch awarding her a CBE!! but at least she regained her seat from the truly awful, hopeless & useless John Nicolson. It didn’t take long for the good people of East Dunbartonshire to see right through him.
  13. The idea of unqualified and inexperienced folk doing jobs relating to the nation’s security might be a good one.
    I reckon I could be defence secretary.  Anyone fancy Chief of Defence Staff?

    000’s of Unqualified & Inexperienced Staff?

    “And the contact is awarded to”..............

    (wee drum roll) .....

    G4S !!
  14. Why do so many people dislike Taylor?

    A smug patronising w*nk when he wins, a sore curmudgeonly loser when he gets beat. The very worst combination. You have to acknowledge his record and his contribution in raising the profile of the game to its current heights, but as a bloke he comes across as a complete c*nt for me.
    I don’t know much about his sex pest history, but his arrogance and fake humility means he won’t be missed all that much on the Oche.
    The level the other top players are now playing at, has also put paid to any thoughts that his retirement will leave a gaping hole in the sport.
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