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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. In my experience of travelling extensively in Europe  since 1970 , your statement is complete and utter bullshit.

    I go through either Alicante or Murcia Airport 5/6 times per year, I am always required to show my passport. Perhaps it’s just me that looks dodgy?
    It is not bullshit however despite your ‘extensive travel’ experience!
  2. When was the last time anyone sauntered through Passport Control at a European Airport on arrival from the UK without having to show their passport? What difference will it make it it’s Blue or Red? We will still queue up just the same.
    Family members flying into Spain from the U.S wait no longer (or less) than we currently do to come through arrivals.

  3. I don't think it'd work, a rejection of terms is not the same as an acceptance of membership, it simply means we don't like what we're being offered so we'll default to WTO. 
    Any reneging on Brexit will require a referendum that specifically says we want to stay in, and probably further negotiation with the EU to halt article 50 (bye, bye rebate)

    It’s a fair point, but a reduction of the £5b rebate per annum could be small change compared to what we may lose over the longer term and unfortunately perhaps the price we pay for the mess created at our own volition. It isn’t too late to assess and decide upon damage limitation.
  4. Would the EU nations be up for that? After 18 months haggling with the UK? I think if you want to stop it, you have to put the brakes on a wee bit sooner.

    Yep, get it voted through Parliament now (the offer of a 2nd Ref on the deal itself), believe the EU members would welcome the decision despite the turmoil of the past 18 months, plus the quiet confidence that we would renege on ‘our’ decision to leave. What credibility does Westminster have left to lose?
  5. David Cameron allow himself to get bullied with his class mates and  Boris and farage pounced on the immigration card and the British people fell for it.

    The Norway option is all that's left there is no middle ground right or left pick your side.

    Indeed, Cameron bought his ticket to the Tory leadership on a promise to the back benches that he would secure an in/out referendum on EU Membership, then f*cked off as soon as it came back to bite him on the arse. A spineless chancer, the likes of Johnson and Farage still can’t believe their luck.

    There is a middle ground however, which is to offer a 2nd Ref on the final deal.

    If the country endorses it then we leave, if it is rejected we stay put.

    Someone posted earlier that a period of ‘mature reflection’ is now required from the electorate. Surely as a nation, we are capable of that? Even the most committed Brexiteers cannot possibly have imagined (and accepted) what a dangerous mess and risk this would turn out to be. Feel certain that on a 2nd Vote, the majority would now overturn the original result.

  6. "There are no unemployed people" according to Phillip Hammond.
    Surprised they haven't made more of the 0% unemployment rate for PR purposes.

    You would think they would be singing that (success) from the rooftops eh!?
    Having said that, 1.4m unemployed but pro-EU commentators claiming that Brexit will leave us with an employment shortage of 300k workers p/a arriving from Europe. How does one figure equate to the other? Are all those out of work completely unemployable??

  7. I haven't seen any interviews from politicians on the subject. I'll hold fire on any criticism until I see them.

    I can see why they're pleased about finally getting the policy implemented. It's not really the current government's fault that Scotland has a long standing problem with alcohol. All they're doing is having a first stab at making a slight difference to that problem. Not making a big thing of it would be a bit strange after such a long fight to get the go ahead for minimum pricing.

    Fair do’s!
  8. Genuine question, is there objective data to say scotland has more or less of a drink problem than other countries in the UK/ other countries elsewhere? I suspect much of the evidence on this is anecdotal. For example, the way Buckfast is talked about you'd think everyone in Scotland drinks bottles of it every night, but it represents only 2% of the alcohol bought in Scotland. 

    UK Comparison only

    (Independent 2016)


    How long have they been trying to get this passed? It seems like ages. They've finally managed it despite the alcohol industry trying to block it and the sniping from some other parties. If nothing else it shows dogged determination to make some inroads on Scotland's alcohol problems.


    Aye, it's a sensible move from a health perspective.

    But ‘Scotland leading the World’ is a bit over the top no? It's hardly a major medical breakthrough of scientific importance to bang a few quid on a bottle of park bench pickle is it?

    It's the toe curling cringing parochialism that dresses up everything the Scottish Government says and does.


    'World Leaders' in tackling alcohol abuse problems of our own making!? Hmmmm

  10. Wee Nippy boasting that 'yet again, Scotland leads the world' (introducing minimum pricing ABV).

    Aye, because we've got a chronic national alcohol problem with one of the highest rates of premature death through liver and kidney disease, in Europe!? It's a sensible move but hardly worth the self plaudits Hen.


  11. Its brought you out from under your rock so there might be something in it.

    Aye, I don't post as much these days but still enjoy a wee look in now and then.
    Gotta be honest though it's hard to resist when Big Eck just keeps on giving.
    I realise that you may never understand the feeling of euphoria in not only seeing him destroyed on the night of the 18th Sept 2014, but the ignominy bestowed by the good people of his former Gordon constituency giving him a pat on the fanny and telling him to f**k off in June.
    This latest stunt is what he has sadly been reduced to.
  12. If that was the case it would not have caused the outcry it has.  Especially from MPs and MSPs that actually appeared on RT's news output.

    Including Nicola Sturgeon apparently, rare criticism indeed.
    His lifelong ambition in tatters, the guy is becoming an increasingly desperate troll.
    Almost appeared that he had turned a corner a couple of weeks back on QT, but alas no.
    Seems determined to 'do and say whatever I want' according to an interview with Kirsty Wark. His flouncing sense of self importance is just tiresome.
  13. Again a reasonable watch, thought Big Alex put in a decent shift and stayed away from his usual trolling. Perhaps his short stint on the Fringe has taught him that it doesn't always pay to be the rogue comedian. Decent contributions from the rest of the panel too, not the usual uncontrollable shouting match. Surprised the Catalan question wasn't presented?

  14. RedRob looks a bit younger than I'd imagined. 

    Ha ha, cheap shot! [emoji846]

    Very encouraging performance from Simon Hamilton on Thursday, a closet remainer?
    Recall he wouldn't divulge how he voted in the Ref, resident Norn Iron P&B ers may be able to confirm?
    Big Arlene ought to wheel him out more often!
  15. You're a far better poster when you don't post.
    Anyway, I thought Northern Ireland was going to fall apart unless the devolved Council started working again.

    Aye, fair enough. Reciprocally, I haven’t missed your smug sanctimonious pish either!
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