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Posts posted by RedRob72

    What's the problem with it Robert, what are you struggling to understand? How doesn't it make sense?
    And I've got been staying in the last few weeks so 5s first thing and watching Sevco get pumped will be the highlight of my Sunday. [emoji12]

    Will you be sporting your Arbroath tap Lichtie or the Green & Grey, or perhaps is doesn't matter for the wee fat f*cker that gets planted between the sticks every week? Enjoy your game pal! [emoji6]
  2. The original quote made sense before your additional capitalisation and missing a word out.

    Even with a capital T for train (my error) and an additional 'to', it still doesn't make sense.

    Seems like you lot are even hell-bent on changing the English language, ffs where will it end lads!?

    Come on play fair eh! Who's up for a Gers win at lunchtime?[emoji6]

  3. This isn't meant to be a dig but see what makes SENSE to you in your head, it makes sense to nobody else.

    A lot of your posts just seem absolutely bizarre I can't understand the thinking behind half them.

    The train of thought you have to come to the conclusions and opinions you do must be mental.

    'The Train of thought you have come to the conclusions and opinions you do must be mental'

    Does that honestly make sense to you Lichtie?
  4. Give in man.



    Going round in circles here, but I used the word 'perhaps', in the hope that you (or others) might be able to detail specifically what the purpose of this 'mission' was and exactly what it achieved.

    Jeez, is the question that difficult?


  5. Absolutely nothing there from Gethins or the SNP and doesn't even vaguely justify your claims that he tried to meet Rajoy.
    Very poor. Can't believe we've wasted a few pages on this pish.

    Perhaps nothing from Gethins and colleagues, because that's precisely what they came back with?

  6. Ok, i'll bite.

    Please inform me why Gethin was in Spain? Other than a couple of meetings with left of centre Spanish parties? It will be documented elsewhere (rather than the fucking Daily Express) if he sought out a meeting with anyone from the Spanish govt, I'm sure you will provide sources, other than Yoon press?

    It was from an article in the politico.eu (e-newsletter) dated Friday.
    I'll try and post it up tonight when I'm back in.

    If anybody has fucked the Gibraltarians over it's the Brexiteers as opposed to the yessers.


    To be honest I don't see why you would be so concerned about people who wave union jacks, exaggerate their "Britishness" but aren't keen on paying British Taxes, oh hang on a minute..


    Nice twist TC, my point however is that the SNP are prepared to ignore/dismiss the right to self determination of one people in pursuit of their own independence agenda by currying favour with the Spanish.

    Shameless opportunism. Surely you can see that naked hypocrisy?


    Agree entirely with your point on Brexit (Gibraltar) btw.


    Away to the pub now for the afternoon to watch the Rugby, it's been a pleasant exchange though.


  8. Predictions for today? In the best traditions of glass half empty I suspect we could be narrowly ahead going into the last quarter but that their bench may have a bit much about it and we go down to a bonus point defeat. Been a great tournament so far and hopefully we can go into next weekend still in with a shout.

    The main on line bookies have:-

    England -12 Evens
    Scotland + 12 Evens

    Very close call, 2 points in it. hopefully Scotland, probably England.
  9. I'm not saying you're wrong because I know absolutely f**k all about this trip. But an SNP MP seeking out to meet Rajoy seems absolutely extraordinary in it's stupidity.
    A Prime Minister of a state which has had a complete rager about one of its autonomous regions establishing diplomatic functions. Gethins sought out an audience with him? f**k me, that's mental.

    Fide claims 'he (Gethins) got on just smashing' in Spain. He therefore clearly knows more than you or I Stubbsy.
  10. If you are going to deploy the sort of tactics that Rob has over the past couple of pages, it is helpful - essential, really - to be demonstrably more intelligent and coherent than the body of people you are electing to pit yourself against. Unfortunately for him and the vast majority of seething PULs on here, this renders it an unsuitable approach for them in more or less all circumstances. 

    Yet still, I can't seem to see an answer as to the specific purpose of Gethin's wee jaunt over to Spain
    'Seething' seems to be the just the standard response to ANYTHING you don't understand or can't explain.

  11. Just finished crying into your "Full English" type post.

    The salty tears would have complimented the fried egg, so not all bad.

    That's a little bit unnerving as it's exactly what I had this morning, square sausage and a couple of tattie scones mind![emoji6]
  12. With Scotland's newspapers and other media you're absolutely right it won't be plain sailing.  Every dirty trick in the book will be used, which will make the eventual victory all the sweeter.

    The No vote/ campaign was admittedly very disjointed leading up to Sept 2014, Imagine what we can achieve if we 'Really Try' next time around Fide. It's going to be some scrap!
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